Windsor Star


Rescue Me star plays singer trying to revive his career


NEW YORK — For starters, you must understand that Denis Leary is a rock ‘n’ roll fan. It doesn’t take much to get him weighing in on the Clash record that means the most to him (London Calling) or the merits of John Lennon’s final album (loves him, hates it).

And on his standup comedy tours, he brings along a band of “real rock ‘n’ roll musicians and session guys,” he says proudly, with whom he performs just for fun.

So he never saw himself as a rock star. But now he’s having a blast playing one on his new comedy, Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, for which, as with his previous series, Rescue Me, he not only serves as leading man but also creator, executive producer and writer (as well as having co-written the songs). It premieres Thursday at 10 p.m. EDT on FX.

Leary plays Johnny Rock, leader of a rip-roaring New York band called The Heathens that released one album in the early 1990s, then collapsed in a heap of crazy excesses and raging egos. The band is notorious for its riotous flash-in-the-pan-ness, while Johnny, now 50, is an unremittin­g burnout angling for a comeback.

What a moment for a hot young woman named Gigi (Elizabeth Gillies) to arrive in Johnny’s life, revealing herself, much to Johnny’s shock, as the 20-year-old daughter he never knew he had, while, much to his excitement, demonstrat­ing she’s the fame-seeking singer who can possibly jump-start his career.

Gigi’s voice is his ticket to persuading The Heathens (played by John Corbett, John Ales and Bobby Kelly) to reunite, with her as lead vocalist, for Johnny’s last chance to get his band on the charts.

But all will not go smoothly. Johnny is a protective dad, yet no less competitiv­e and willing to exploit her. And she, no shrinking violet, will stand her ground. Gigi, after all, is his daughter — and he’s a rock ‘n’ roller.

That posed more of a challenge to Leary than expected. Sure, he can summon rock-star looks, even at 57.

“But, dude, performing like a real rock star was waaaaay harder than I thought,” he discovered the night The Heathens in their vintage-’90s incarnatio­n took the stage of Manhattan’s Irving Plaza ballroom to shoot “archival” footage of the band.

“You take it for granted, whether it’s Steven Tyler or Iggy Pop or any other lead singer, how (flipping) cool they look,” he tells a reporter visit- ing his Lower Broadway production office. “They can take control. They take over the stage. They grab the audience’s eyes even during the guitar player’s solo. Why do you think (Who lead singer) Roger Daltrey started swinging that microphone over his head? Cause otherwise everyone would look at Pete Townshend!”

That’s what Leary learned filming full-strength Johnny Rock at that time-capsule concert. And he knew it wasn’t something he could keep up every week.

“I don’t have the voice or the training to carry this show as a singer,” he says, adding with his wall-to-wall grin: “As a washed-up singer? Yes!”

Luckily, he — like Johnny — has powerful backup: A series co-star who can rock the rafters as well as hold her own in the improvisin­g style Leary likes in his actors.

Gillies, who sizzled as a goth-affecting performing arts student on Nickelodeo­n’s musical drama Victorious, more than fills the bill here: “a real lifesaver,” Leary calls her.

She also furnishes a necessary dose of estrogen. Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll echoes Leary’s Rescue Me, which, from 2004 to 2011, rallied a company of tight but combative Alpha Males — New York City firefighte­rs — and their women, who were anything but the weaker sex.

Leary revels in exploring the glories and follies of an eroding patriarchy where women can take charge whenever they choose. And as on Rescue Me, he plays its beleaguere­d champion, a heavy-drinking, pill-popping, womanizing, motor-mouthed leader of the band — this time, literally.

 ?? PATRICK HARBRON/FX via The Associated Press ?? Denis Leary plays Johnny Rock. leader of a band that enjoyed brief success and
is trying to find it’s way back to glory in the FX series Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll.
PATRICK HARBRON/FX via The Associated Press Denis Leary plays Johnny Rock. leader of a band that enjoyed brief success and is trying to find it’s way back to glory in the FX series Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll.

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