Windsor Star

IBD best managed by an expert

- DR. KEITH ROACH Readers can email questions to ToYourGood­Health@med.

Dear Doctor: I am 59 and recently received a diagnosis of mild to moderate Crohn’s disease. Having been quite healthy my entire life, I find the treatment options to be overwhelmi­ng. It seems as if drug treatment — e.g. Humira — has as many detractors as supporters, and I’ve read plenty of horror stories about folks who have used it. The same can be said of Remicade and some of the other treatments. I have family members who are pushing me to consider natural treatments such as diet modificati­on, essential oils and the like. What course of action would you recommend? – T.T.

A Crohn’s disease is an inflammato­ry bowel disease of unknown cause. Unlike ulcerative colitis — the other form of inflammato­ry bowel disease that affects only the colon — Crohn’s disease can affect the gastrointe­stinal tract anywhere from the lips to the anus.

The variabilit­y of the disease is immense. I trained in an institutio­n with special expertise in IBD and saw its full spectrum in the days before medication­s like infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira) were introduced, and I promise you that for many people, these medication­s are literally life-saving. They clearly are not for everyone, however, and should be used only for carefully chosen patients after a thorough evaluation by an expert. Inflammato­ry bowel disease should be taken very seriously and I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have an expert managing this condition.

Initial treatment does consist of dietary modificati­on. Lactose is so frequently a problem that a trial of a lactose-free diet usually is recommende­d. Many experts also recommend an eliminatio­n diet, meaning removing the likely triggers for IBD flares, then slowly adding them back in to see whether they cause a problem. Probiotics have been shown to be beneficial in some cases.

Since you asked specifical­ly about natural or complement­ary treatments, I would advise you to use these in addition to, not instead of, the standard therapies recommende­d by an IBD expert. They can help reduce perception of discomfort and side effects.

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