Windsor Star

U of W team finds lab cancer killer

Compounds synthesize­d to mimic properties of the spider lily plant


University of Windsor researcher­s have identified a “stellar” cancer killer that works better — in the lab — than chemothera­py, without doing damage to healthy cells.

The “high therapeuti­c potential” of several similar compounds, synthesize­d in a lab to mimic the cancer-killing properties found in the common spider lily plant, is the subject of a research paper published this week in the online journal

“These compounds had extreme selectivit­y — healthy cells were not affected and cancer cells were fried, they were all killed,” biochemist­ry professor Siyaram Pandey said Wednesday as he described the great potential for these compounds. “I have big hopes with this.” He believes the research provides “light at the end of the tunnel, that there are other ways to develop cancer therapies,” other than highly toxic chemo.

The compounds were synthesize­d by scientists at Brock and McMaster universiti­es to copy and accentuate the cancer-killing properties of pancratist­atin, a natural compound found in spider lily. The scientists created seven versions and following testing, three of them showed great effectiven­ess killing cancer cells.

In Pandey’s Windsor lab, lead researcher Dennis Ma and his team of undergradu­ates tested the compounds on 20 different kinds of cancer, including brain, skin, colon and pancreatic. The three compounds killed all of them, in lab-cultured cancer samples and in mice.

“Our hope is it might have similar effects on humans,” said Ma, a Windsor native and Kennedy high school graduate who recently received his PhD and is now doing post-doctorate work at the University of California, Irvine.

“It’s been my life for the last five years, and it wasn’t just me,” Ma said in a phone interview as he walked across the California campus, crediting his team of undergradu­ates.

“It was a lot of work, a lot of late nights, a lot of holidays and weekends. But it’s really cool to see it’s come to fruition now.”

Pandey and his team have been working since 2005 on pancratist­atin, demonstrat­ing its cancer-killing properties. But the problem with the natural compound was it was hard to acquire. To get five milligrams required five kilograms of dried spider lily buds, said Pandey, whose previous research has focused on natural cancer-killing compounds such as those found in dandelion roots and long pepper fruit.

“It was one part per million, so that was the bottleneck” that stymied further research into pancratist­atin, Pandey said. Once Brock’s Tomas Hudlicky and McMaster’s James McNulty came up with synthetic versions, Ma and his team began their comprehens­ive research.

“It took a long time,” Pandey said. “Unfortunat­ely, we were not getting it funded,” by the big government funders.

So Pandey relied on local contributo­rs including; the family of Kevin Couvillon, who died in 2010 after battling leukemia; Knights of Columbus Council 9671 in St. Clair Beach; the Pajama Angels; and 100 People Who Care Windsor-Essex.

The publicatio­n of the paper represents the most comprehens­ive study of the compounds, their anticancer effects and the mechanisms of how they work.

“The important thing about this paper is that three of those synthetic compounds were stellar, they were 10 times better than the natural compound,” Pandey said. And they were even “much better” than chemo drugs currently used, he added.

He and Ma explained that these compounds attack cancer differentl­y than convention­al chemothera­py, which kill both cancer and healthy cells. The new compounds target the cancer cell’s mitochondr­ia, the cell’s “nuclear power plant” that supplies it with energy.

“We believe cancer cells have bad mitochondr­ia and if we target that mitochondr­ia we can kill the cancer cells without affecting the healthy cells because healthy cells have good mitochondr­ia,” Pandey explained.

Ma said that when the compounds target the mitochondr­ia, they are actually able to activate a kind of suicide program in the cancer cells. However, this effect still needs to be demonstrat­ed in humans, and that’s a long way off.

Further research will cost “millions and millions,” according to Pandey, who said his years of research on dandelion root extract has been much less costly because the product is natural and has long been used by humans.

“With this one, it’s a pure compound, there’s no literature showing if a person takes it how he or she will react,” he said. So he’s hoping the paper published this week will attract the attention of a big

The important thing about this paper is that three of those synthetic compounds were stellar.

biopharmac­eutical firm capable of bankrollin­g more research.

“I am hopeful, but when it comes to private companies and big biopharma companies, money is their god,” Pandey said.

“They do their business analysis and then they will see whether it is worth developing or not.”

 ?? NICK BRANCACCIO ?? Biochemist­ry professor Siyaram Pandey, centre, has been working on al alternativ­e to chemothera­py with his cancer research team. They are research assistant Chris Pignanelli, left, students Krishan Parashar, Fadi Mansour, Ali Mehaidli, Jesse Ropat and...
NICK BRANCACCIO Biochemist­ry professor Siyaram Pandey, centre, has been working on al alternativ­e to chemothera­py with his cancer research team. They are research assistant Chris Pignanelli, left, students Krishan Parashar, Fadi Mansour, Ali Mehaidli, Jesse Ropat and...

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