Windsor Star


In light of the unpredicta­ble world body politic these days, Postmedia takes a look at some political movies. From thrillers to comedies to love stories, here are some of the best examples of government gone Hollywood.


THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE (1962) Starring Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey, Angela Lansbury: Chilling in the shadow of the McCarthy witch hunt (Richard Condon’s novel dates from 1959), this thriller about a U.S. soldier the Communists brainwash to become a political assassin seems relevant again in the age of a Donald Trump presidency. Remade in 2004 with Denzel Washington and Liev Schreiber.

ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN (1976) Starring Dustin Hoffman, Robert Redford: Remember when real news was real news? This riveting dramatizat­ion of two reporters’ takedown of U.S. president Richard Nixon via the Watergate scandal holds up today for its human drama, not so much from the technical side of things (what’s a typewriter?). Hoffman and Redford shine as resilient Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, respective­ly.

DAVE (1993) Starring Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver: Throughout the lead-up to the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al election, there were gripes against both Hillary Clinton and Trump. Wouldn’t have it been nice if Everyman Dave Kovic (Kline), who wound up filling in for an ailing President Mitchell, was actually running the U.S.? And certainly the First Lady Ellen Mitchell (Weaver) wouldn’t mind. Nor, given the chaos of the current administra­tion, would the American people.

WINTER KILLS (1979) Starring Jeff Bridges, John Huston: Another thriller based on a Richard Condon novel, mixing political intrigue with tense family dynamics. With obvious Kennedy overtones, Jeff Bridges is the younger brother of an assassinat­ed U.S. president who sets out to uncover the secret behind his death.

THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT (1995) Starring Michael Douglas, Annette Bening: Romance and politics combine in this Rob Reiner film from writer Aaron Sorkin (who later created The West Wing) as the liberal stance of the president’s girlfriend comes under fire from a conservati­ve political opponent (Richard Dreyfuss). Worth it for the ending alone, as the president (Douglas) gives an impassione­d speech defending the First Amendment.

ELECTION (1999) Starring Matthew Broderick, Reese Witherspoo­n: When you’re a keen, competitiv­e teenager, the race for class president often trumps all. That’s especially the case for manipulati­ve overachiev­er Tracy Flick (Witherspoo­n), who will stop at nothing to take down her fellow campaigner­s — and hide the fact that she slept with a teacher — in this black comedy also starring Broderick.

 ??  ?? Reese Witherspoo­n stars as an overachiev­ing student caught up in the race for class president in the 1999 movie Election.
Reese Witherspoo­n stars as an overachiev­ing student caught up in the race for class president in the 1999 movie Election.
 ??  ?? Robert Redford, left, and Dustin Hoffman are shown in a scene from All the President’s Men.
Robert Redford, left, and Dustin Hoffman are shown in a scene from All the President’s Men.

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