Windsor Star

LNG firm owes debt, regulator’s suit alleges

- GEOFFREY MORGAN Financial Post gmorgan@nationalpo­

CALGARY The Alberta Energy Regulator is suing insolvent Lexin Resources Ltd. to recover money it is allegedly owed, while the company’s receiver claims in a report that it is working to recover Lexin documents from garbage bags, a storage locker and even a women’s washroom.

Borden Ladner Gervais partner Robyn Gurofsky, acting on behalf of Lexin’s courtappoi­nted receiver Grant Thornton LLP, asked an Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench judge Tuesday to approve a plan, negotiated with Lexin’s lawyers, for the handover of various recovered documents so the receiver can prepare Lexin’s assets for sale.

Gurofsky said the receiver must have the records to establish a data room and drum up interest for asset sales.

The negotiated plan will allow Lexin’s legal team to review documents in a limited period of time and then hand over documents not subject to lawyer-client privilege. Any records relating to emergency procedures or safety, however, would be immediatel­y released to the Alberta Orphan Well Associatio­n (OWA).

Lexin was a relatively small natural gas producer in southern Alberta but its insolvency has outsized implicatio­ns because it owned 1,514 well licences — many in partnershi­p with 51 other energy companies — which could now become the responsibi­lity of the OWA and double the number of wells under agency management.

The AER took the unusual step of pushing the company into receiversh­ip and is now demanding damages from the company. Lexin is appealing the AER decision with a hearing scheduled Wednesday. The AER’s amended statement of claim asks for $1 million plus “any amounts owed to the Orphan Fund.”

The claim also repeats the allegation, reported by the Financial Post, that Lexin owes the AER $70 million in deposits for well liabilitie­s.

“It is not open for a licensee, when times get tough, to transfer the burdens associated with holding AER licenses to the AER and/or the OWA, which is exactly what Lexin is attempting to do here,” the AER’s suit alleges, adding that Lexin is trying to “fob off” its responsibi­lities.

The AER and receiver, Grant Thornton, declined to discuss the document recovery process, citing Tuesday’s court applicatio­n.

A receiver’s report, filed with the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta on March 30, claims Lexin’s documents were recovered in various unusual places.

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