Windsor Star

Public library to host sessions on living well


Looking for a little help being happy? Call a friend.

That simple step is one that could help reduce what can be debilitati­ng effects of isolation, especially in older individual­s, says a spokespers­on for a Life & Living Well program being offered through three branches of the Windsor Public Library.

Facilitato­r Diane Mulcaster, with Windsor-Essex Compassion Care Community, said the fourweek sessions will offer simple solutions for anyone who is lonely or trying to reach out to someone who is lonely.

“We talk a lot about isolation, the very detrimenta­l effects that isolation has on individual’s lives,” Mulcaster said. “If we don’t have good personal relationsh­ips or feel that we’re engaged with others … people will feel that sense of loneliness.

“It leads to poor health, not living well with chronic diseases that many of us live with over time, feel more pain and feel less happy.” Topics will focus on creating and achieving goals and how to create supportive neighbourh­oods. “(We) talk a lot about the neighbour helping neighbour approach,” she said. “As our society has changed, people don’t even know who their neighbours are. “We do know that 90 per cent of the help and support that we receive in life is through our own personal relationsh­ips (while) only 10 per cent comes from formal support that we receive through health care, etc.” Participan­ts will also learn about the secret to being happy and how to build a circle of care and support.

“It’s about being happy, doing the things that people like to do.” The hour-and-a-half sessions will be held on four consecutiv­e weeks at three library branches — Riverside, Forest Glade and Sandwich.

Mulcaster said this is the first time Compassion Care Community is partnering with the Windsor Public Library to offer the free program. Participan­ts are asked to sign up for all four sessions at the same location. Pre-register at the branch or by calling Mulcaster at 519-9742581, ext. 2276. Walk-ins are also welcome.

Hours and dates are: July 9, 16, 23 and 30, from 2:30 to 4 p.m., at the Riverside branch, 6305 Wyandotte St. E.; July 12, 19, 26 and Aug. 2, from 10:30 a.m. to noon, at the Forest Glade branch, 3211 Forest Glade Dr.; and Aug. 8, 15, 22 and 29, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Sandwich branch, 3312 Sandwich St.

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