Windsor Star

Breaking our bad habits

Use of cues can help trigger new, healthy behaviour

- LINDA BLAIR London Daily Telegraph

There are plenty of websites and books that promise to help you break bad habits — to quit smoking or lose weight, for example. However, breaking a bad habit is only half the story. If you don’t also replace that behaviour with something more adaptive, something that makes you feel better about yourself, then the first time you feel stressed again, research shows that you’re likely to revert to those well-establishe­d old habits again.

John Hughes and colleagues at the University of Vermont followed 630 smokers who tried to quit. Only 22 per cent had managed to keep their resolve after two weeks, and only eight per cent at six months. Rena Wing and Suzanne Phelan at Brown University recorded a 12-month relapse rate of nearly 80 per cent for dieters in their study. Summer — especially when warm and beautiful — is a great time to make positive changes to your lifestyle. But remember, don’t simply rid yourself of a bad habit. Make sure at the same time you replace it with something better. Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit, encapsulat­es the process of creating a new habit beautifull­y: come up with a cue that can trigger your new behaviour, give yourself a reward whenever you carry it out, and keep reminding yourself of the benefits of behaving in the new way. For example, if you’ve lost weight and hope to keep it off, note the times of day you’re most likely to succumb to unhealthy snacks.

These are the best times for you to take some outdoor exercise instead. Not only will that prevent you giving in to temptation at vulnerable times, it also reinforces your ability to stay in control, thus building selfconfid­ence.

Arthur Garvey and colleagues at the Veterans Administra­tion Outpatient Clinic in Boston found the ex-smokers most likely to relapse were those who had little self-confidence in their ability to effect change. Build new cues “on top” of old ones. Say you keep sugary snacks in a particular place in the kitchen. Dispose of them and put in their place a bowl of your favourite fruit. Or put your gym bag on the chair where you would normally sit to watch TV. In addition, use social support. Susan Kayman and colleagues at Kaiser Permanente Consortium in California compared women who’d lost weight but regained it with those who’d maintained their weight loss. They found maintainer­s were more likely than relapsers to ask friends to encourage them. And remember, whenever you carry out your new habit, always reward yourself both verbally and tangibly.

Say to yourself, out loud, how proud you feel.

In addition, give yourself a tangible treat such as a healthy snack, or put some money aside toward that one item you’ve had your eye on.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Summer is a great time to make changes.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Summer is a great time to make changes.

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