Windsor Star

Criminals benefit while victims suffer


Have you ever been a victim of a break and enter?

It is one of the most stressful, upsetting and devastatin­g things you can go through as homeowners or business owners.

Many business owners can claim it on their insurance, have the money to install better security, guards, alarms and so on.

But a hardworkin­g homeowner who is trying to make ends meet must pay out of pocket to better secure his home.

Imagine you come home from work to find your “safe place” has been victimized and you are left to figure out what has been stolen and what remains.

The police are called and come to investigat­e. The homeowner may have had video surveillan­ce. The police may know the individual, as they have arrested him several times before. But police often have their hands tied while they deal with such individual­s, even if arrested many times. Too often a thief can be released with a slap on the wrist.

Meanwhile, victims have such a difficult time to go on with life. You are afraid to leave your home for fear of them coming back to get the rest of the stuff they could not carry out the first time. Each time the dog barks, the victim is on edge. On and on it goes.

We need to revamp the law. Give more power to the police and give the judicial system more time to deal with such criminals.

It can be extremely depressing, stressful and unfair for the victims of these crimes.

The individual is left to live on edge while a thief too often continues to walk free.

Lee Donaghue, Windsor

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