Windsor Star

The Star has upgraded and improved its website


This week, the Windsor Star officially launched its new online look at windstorst­

Smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop — it doesn’t matter: Rebuilt from the ground up with new technology, it is designed for speed, ease and clarity for the Star audience across all devices, and better performanc­e for advertiser­s.

Best of all, it is built with advice from neighbours, family and friends, who have been testing it for months and giving us their suggestion­s about how to create the most dynamic and informativ­e website in the city.

The latest local news and the strong local journalism you have come to expect retains its pride of place at the top of the home page.

But, for example, you said you wanted videos to be easier to find, so they’re now right there at the top of the home page, too.

“The feedback from our audience in Windsor and Essex County was key to the final, uncluttere­d and elegant look,” Star managing editor Craig Pearson said.

Testing showed that because of how pages load much more quickly — close to 70 per cent faster on the Star’s mobile app for smartphone­s — the less you have to wait, the more you want to read.

Other improvemen­ts include upgrades for readers living with a disability, who can now navigate the website without the use of a computer mouse.

More accessibil­ity improvemen­ts are to come over the next few months.

And that bounce effect you sometimes get on websites and mobile apps when ads refresh? It’s gone.

Plus, you can comment on stories and discuss them with other readers interactiv­ely across all devices now.

But don’t take our word for it. We would love you to have a look for yourself.

We think you will enjoy it. Postmedia News

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