Windsor Star

Rats seem to be everywhere lately


Drive through some neighbourh­oods in Windsor at night and you might just luck out and hit a rat.

Who am I kidding ? It isn’t just Windsor. There are rats everywhere. We are getting more in neighbourh­oods since most restaurant­s are closed because of the COVID-19 virus and rats are searching for food.

Is there anyone who really wants to bait a trap to kill these vermin? Then when you catch a rat you have to dispose of it, clean the trap and go through the whole thing over again.

While in Hawaii a couple of years ago, I was blown away by the number of rats I saw on every island in paradise. On the island of Oahu, we visited Pearl Harbour to pay homage to those who died.

I asked a sailor cleaning up around the battleship The Mighty Missouri, “how do you control the rats here on the base?”

He said lots of cats and traps were used, but he also pointed out a black and orange gizmo on the side of a building and he said it works. I got close enough to read the name of the gizmo. I wrote it down so I could look it up online when I got home. I learned it can capture up to 99 rats with one baiting.

I have no need for such a product, as I have a family of eight cats doing that job for me.

But if the city of Windsor or people are interested, there are such products available.

Just passing along informatio­n for people who may have rats recently rummaging through their garbage, setting up house under their front porch or worse getting into your house.

Bob Piec, Cottam

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