ZOOMER Magazine



The phrase “pensioner-aged Charles who waits and waits” [“Her Majesty’s Secret Service,” May] brings to mind the phrase “They also serve who only stand and wait.” The difference here is the idea that he who hustles while he waits will be more successful. Charles has made a life of hustling whether it is philosophi­cal or physical. He shows up everywhere, even in Zoomer, with his ideas of making the world a better place to live. He should get a rousing hurrah for his life of contributi­on, second only to his mother’s. —Nancy Albright, Mattawa, Ont.


About two years ago, I started standing up straighter [“Posture, Please,” May]. I had a little back problem, and standing tall seemed to help. I continued to stand tall and I felt better physically and mentally. I also had people ask if I had got taller. Standing tall has its merits. —Ken Spry, via email


I loved reading Libby Znaimer’s article on “Dealing With It” [April]. It encouraged me to offer advice to Libby (wow!). Like Libby, I keep my cars a long time (10 to 12 years), and this year’s new car shopping experience was different!

My advice is as simple as 1-23. (1) Only go to the dealership to test drive the car you like. (2) Use apa.ca to obtain a quote on the vehicle you want. (3) Use a broker with APA pricing. The broker will find the car and deal directly with the dealership. It saves you money, time and the frustratio­ns of playing the archaic good cop/bad cop game. Simple as 1-2-3. —Laurie Secko, Toronto


I am recently widowed. Before my husband’s death, travelling was all about deciding where to go. Now, because everything asks for double occupancy booking or charges extravagan­t additional fees for single supplement­s, I find myself unable to travel – unlike most of my friends, who are still married or rich enough not to care.

I am sure that I am not the only one in this predicamen­t. I am sure your readers of both sexes would like to know if there are ways to circumvent certain costs or possibly where to look for group that cater to older singles. —Joan Olson, via email

Editor’s Note We hear you and other single travellers on this matter. Look for solutions in an upcoming issue.

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