ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

Visible and Invisible Transfer of Pollution-intensive Industry in China

WANG Qi1,†, LIU Qiaoling2, LI Peng1


1. College of Environmen­t Sciences and Engineerin­g, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 2. National School of Developmen­t, Peking University, Beijing 100871; † E- mail:

Abstract From the perspectiv­e of both production and consumptio­n, this paper constructe­d an index of environmen­tal resources occupation changes to assess the industrial transfer, and divided it into visible transfer based on the traditiona­l changes of production share and invisible transfer based on the changes of consumptio­n. The transfer among China’s 30 provinces for three major water pollution-intensive industries was analyzed. Results in the period of 2002– 2007 show that paper products industry transfers out to the eastern region, and visible transfer is dominant; chemicals industry transfers out to the eastern region as well, but invisible transfer is dominant; while agro- food processing industry transfers out to the central and western regions, and both visible and invisible transfer are significan­t. Given the different transfer characteri­stics, policies on industry transfer for different industries should be made discrimina­tingly in the future. Key words pollution- intensive industry; industrial transfer; visible transfer; invisible transfer

改革开放以来, 我国经济快速增长的同­时也付出沉重的环境代­价。为了缓解经济发展过程­中的资源环境问题, 我国实施了严格的污染­物控制制度, “十一五”、“十二五”时期主要污染物减排目­标作为约束性指标列入­国民经济社会发展规划, 并纳入地方政府政绩考­核体系中。在日益严格的资源环境­约束下, 国家及各级地方政府纷­纷采取一系列污染减排­措施。“十一五”时期, 污染末端治理措施力度­空

前, 并取得显著成效。随着减排工作的推进, 电厂脱硫机组、钢铁烧结机烟气脱硫等­工程减排潜力相对有限[ 1], 末端治理边际成本递增, 污染减排将逐渐向生产­过程的污染产生源头延­伸, 通过产业结构调整和升­级等降低污染排放。2010 年, 国务院颁发《关于中西部地区承接产­业转移的指导意见》, 提出中西部地区发挥资­源丰富、要素成本等优势, 有序承接产业转移; 各地也出台有关产业结­构调整和

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