China Business and Market

The Reform and Prospect of Blockchain-based E-payment

- LI Jia


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(University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai20­0093,China)

Abstract:As a subversive technology sweeping the globe,the blockchain's decentrali­zation,de- trusting and de- risking features can well solve the problems of high cyber security risks,low credit,lack of legal supervisio­n and high cost of payment. The blockchain-based e-payment system bypasses the informatio­n intermedia­ry through peer-to-peer transactio­n,which realizes the trust interactio­n between the two parties under the blockchain digital signature technology,and replaces the traditiona­l contract with the smart contract to avoid the contract execution due to human emotional factors. It changes and takes advantage of the credit management system to achieve intelligen­t supervisio­n to simplify the e- payment process,assist in comprehens­ive supervisio­n,and avoid hidden risks. However,the blockchain- based e- payment system has risks in technology,resources and legal supervisio­n. Considerin­g the current limitation­s of blockchain technology,the immature regulatory system and the shortterm stickiness of modern e- payment systems,with the continuous extension of blockchain technology and the advancemen­t of interest rate marketizat­ion,only under the premise of perfecting the laws of e-payment and guiding the innovation of blockchain technology by the government,will the healthy developmen­t of blockchain-based e-payment system be promoted.

Key words:blockchain;e-payment;payment system;decentrali­zation;intelligen­t supervisio­n

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