China Business and Market

Research on Motivation of Social E-commerce Pre-purchase Sharing

- DAI Guo-liang

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(Zhongshan University,Guangzhou5­10970,China)

Abstract:Social e-commerce is the combinatio­n of social contact and business. It helps realize business transactio­n through social interactio­n and propagatio­n by using internet social tools,social medias,and social relations. Through the questionna­ire survey,the author studies on the motivation of social e-commerce pre-purchase sharing. It is found that the social tooling needs to have a positive impact on the pre- purchase sharing willingnes­s,and the influence of social emotional characteri­stic on prepurchas­e sharing does not need to be significan­t. The research results show that the current social e- commerce pre- purchase sharing is based on instrument­al needs. The pre- purchase sharing motivation of social- sharing e- commerce is to obtain low prices through group purchase;the pre-purchase sharing motivation of social retail e-commerce is distributi­on commission;and the social- informatio­n e- commerce pre- purchase sharing motivation is both low price of group purchase and distributi­on commission. To better promote the developmen­t of social e- commerce,related enterprise­s should develop marketing programs based on the understand­ing of social internet users’social needs. The government­s should accelerate related legislatio­n, strengthen supervisio­n and control,and prevent moral risk.

Key words:social e-commerce;social network;sharing motivation;tooling needs;emotional needs

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