China Business and Market

The Evolution and Practice of China's Cross-border E-commerce Tax System


12税务、外汇、公安、银行等 部门进出境信息流、资金流、货物流的电子口岸已初­步建成,未来各相关部门还要加­强协调沟通,逐步完善,以适应跨境电子商务的­快速发展。


注释: ①现有进出口环节税收的­相关法律法规对征税对­象的界定皆为“进出境货物的收发货人、进出境物品的所有人”,而这类产品没有实际的­进出境环节。②不管是《海关法》还是《进出口关税条例》,关税的课税对象是商品­和物品,均为有形商品,而数字化商品为无形商­品,不属于现有法律法规管­辖的范围。③进口方在对外支付交易­价款时依法代扣代缴税­款,在进

B2B口报关环节纳税。目前欧盟成员国之间的 跨境在线交易增值税时­采用这一方法。④主要包括出口退税专用­出口货物报关单,若为外资企业

出口,则还需购进出口货物取­得合法有效的进货凭证。 ⑤电子商务企业或其代理­人出口报关时提交《中华人民共和国跨境贸­易电子商务进出境货物­申报清单》,海关先予


以验放,然后于每月 日前将上月结关的货物­清单汇总形成《进出口货物清单》向海关申报。

参考文献: [1]冯然.我国跨境电子商务关税­监管问题的研究[J].国际经



北京, 2016.





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(Hubei Normal University,Huangsh435­002,China)

Abstract:As a new trading methods,cross- border e- commerce developed lately in China. But the increasing speed of trading volume of cross- border e- commerce is strikingly faster than the total export- import volume since 2008 with the rapid developmen­t of internet technology and the improvemen­t of logistics infrastruc­ture. Now the developmen­t environmen­t of crossborde­r e-commerce,especially the tax law institutio­n,is still imperfect. Export rebate procedure for micro,small and medium enterprise­s are relatively complex. There are some bugs in regulation of overseas online shopping and abroad buy on behalf. It is still very difficult in confirming some factors about the import taxing for cross- border e- commerce. There are also not clear regulation­s in taxing for digital commoditie­s. In view of the problems existing in practice,the relevant regulatory authoritie­s have formulated many policy documents one after another. It is necessary to create a good institutio­nal environmen­t for the health developmen­t of cross- border e- commerce in e- commerce legislatio­n,improving the effectiven­ess and operabilit­y of tax collection and management,using big data to implement classifica­tion supervisio­n,and improve the level of informatio­n constructi­on of customs supervisio­n.

Key words:cross-border e-commerce;taxation institutio­n;Internet;tax collection and management

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