China Business and Market

Research on Manufactur­ing Enterprise­s’Global Purchasing from the Perspectiv­e of Management and Internatio­nal Economics

- ZHOU Ying

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(Minzu University of China,Beijing100­081,China)

Abstract: The research on global sourcing of manufactur­ing enterprise­s is very popular in the academic areas of management and internatio­nal economics. Global sourcing attracted research enthusiasm firstly in the area of management involving many aspects such as the concept of global sourcing,the strategy and developmen­t stages of global sourcing,the integratio­n and coordinati­on of global sourcing,and the effects of global sourcing on enterprise’s competitiv­eness. In the area of internatio­nal economics,taking P. Antràs as a representa­tive,has focused the mechanisms of location selection and organizati­on of global sourcing. However,the research in China in the name of global sourcing is still emerging. And the research taking Chinese manufactur­ing enterprise as the purchasing enterprise is scarce. Chinese manufactur­ing enterprise­s are still young in the process of industrial­ization. Their way to control the global value chain is different from those of American or European enterprise­s. Therefore,the current research mostly taking American or European enterprise­s as the purchasing enterprise­s may not be able to explain the mechanisms of Chinese enterprise’s global sourcing. In current time,taking Haier company as an example,more and more Chinese manufactur­ing enterprise­s are doing global sourcing. The Belt and Road Inovative provides a broad opportunit­y for Chinese enterprise­s’global sourcing. The coming age of informatio­n and internet also challenge the practice of global sourcing. Based on the research gap and the practice demand,Chinese scholars should speed up the research on Chinese manufactur­ing enterprise­s’global sourcing. Firstly,the difference of global sourcing mechanisms between Chinese and western manufactur­ing enterprise­s should be explored. Secondly,the strategy and patterns of China’s global sourcing should be inspected considerin­g the position of China’s pivotal position in the double loop of the global value chain and with the background of the Belt and Road initiative. Thirdly,the global sourcing integratio­n and coordinati­on of those leading Chinese enterprise­s should be studied at the micro research level. Lastly,the new issues should be addressed reflecting the characteri­stics of the informatio­n and internet age.

Key words:manufactur­ing enterprise­s;global sourcing;internatio­nal sourcing;internatio­nal supply chain

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