China Business and Market

Dynamic Simulation of Upgrading Capital Core Function in Beijing Based on Urbansim

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(Institute of Urban And Environmen­tal Studies,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing100­028,China) Abstract:Science and technology innovation center is the new function of capital core function. Strategic emerging industries are the supporting industries of science and technology innovation center,which is one of the capital core function. And it is important to optimize and adjust the spatial distributi­on of strategic emerging industries to enhance the core function of the capital. Based on this,the authors use the Urbansim large scale model to simulate the industry space layout during 2016-2030 by taking strategic emerging industries as an example. The study finds that there is a serious problem of job-housing imbalance on the capital strategic emerging industries space layout,and the layout of which is mainly in the northwest,east and southeast of the main urban area. And its layout is mainly effected by traffic cost,payment capacity,land price,population,employment density,etc. The policy of combining the relieving nonessenti­al industries and upgrading core industries can effectivel­y optimize the spatial layout of strategic emerging industries. The authors put forward that,we should formulate the developmen­t layout with multiple cores for strategic emerging industries,establish the industrial cluster of strategic emerging industries with capital characteri­stics,give full play to the role of market and government in adjusting the strategic emerging industries,and comprehens­ively promote the coupling developmen­t of the strategic emerging industries among different regions.

Key words:capital core function;industry space layout;dynamic simulation;strategic emerging industries

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