China Business and Market

Structural Analysis of China's Agricultur­al Products Import

- ——based on the Three Margins of Trade Growth

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(School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)

Abstract:China's agricultur­al product imports show a rapid growth trend as a whole,but there are also obvious structural imbalances. Under the background of China-US trade friction and COVID-19,the discussion of the trade structure of agricultur­al products is more important. The trade structure of China's import growth of agricultur­al products is broken down by adopting the three margins method. The results show that:the quantity margin is the most important factor for China's agricultur­al import increase,which indicates that China's excessive dependence on the import of existing agricultur­al products may increase China's trade risk,especially the greater dependence on major trading partners and members of FTA;the import price of agricultur­al products in China was higher than the world average level,imports of high-quality and high-priced products have increased,but pricing power of imported products needs to be improved;the variety of agricultur­al products in China was relatively abundant, import substituta­bility of products could be gradually enhanced,but its role in promoting the growth of imports was less than quantity margin. Therefore,from the perspectiv­e of three margins,there is a certain imbalance in the trade structure of China's agricultur­al products import. China should further expand the import types of agricultur­al products to strengthen the stability of the source of agricultur­al products,improve the futures market of agricultur­al products to improve the pricing voice of agricultur­al products.

Key words:agricultur­al

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