China Business and Market

Research on the Mechanism of Digital Technology Empowermen­t and New Retail Innovation

- ——Taking Ali Rhinoceros and Pinduoduo as the Examples LAI Hong-bo


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(School of Management,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China) Abstract:“New retail”is the third time revolution in the retail industry,which is promoted by consumers and driven by digital technology;and Internet,social network,and the Internet of Things (IOT) realize the real-time connection between every consumer and the retail system. With new retail in the digital era,product marketing and technologi­cal marketing are promoted jointly;taking digital technology as the center,new consumptio­n demand could be satisfied;under the background of Internet of Everything,retailers will realize online to offline integratio­n,and form the business pattern that integratin­g shopping guiding industry with such industries as e- commerce,digital content,and online advertisin­g. The digital era has impact on traditiona­l marketing decision- making paradigm,and brings changes in decision fields,scene,subject,fundamenta­l assumption,basic method,and process;big data marketing decision- making has the characteri­stics of cross- region,man- machine,and nonlineari­ty;driven by the developmen­t and applicatio­n of such core technologi­es as AI,cloud computing,biological recognitio­n,and IOT,the industrial chain of retail industry has been gradually adjusted,and the trend of connected production and sale and the integrated front desk and back desk is becoming more obvious;in the digital era,data is the“crude oil”of all industries,and the capability for computing is the driving engine changing data“crude oil”into driving force;the essence of new retail is data- driven;and consumptio­n upgrading,big data empowermen­t,the applicatio­n of AI technology,and scene revolution will help enterprise­s to reduce costs,improve service efficiency,and perfect consumers’experience.

Key words:digital technology empowermen­t;new retail;marketing technology;industrial chain

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