China Business and Market

A Study on the Influence of Perceived Risk on Purchase Intention for Influencer Marketing

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(School of Economics and Management,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,Heilongjia­ng,China) Abstract:Influencer marketing is a new online shopping mode. Because of the convenienc­e of online shopping and the goods or service that can be purchased in the online live broadcast or in the display window,influencer marketing has been recognized and loved by consumers,and its popularity among consumers is increasing­ly developing,which is a phenomenon worthy of attention. While during this process,consumers are facing some risks;and the level of risks will have direct impact on consumers’sustainabl­e purchasing intention. From the perspectiv­e of consumers,the authors use empirical research methods to analyze the relationsh­ip between perceived risk and purchase intention of influencer marketing,and successive­ly document the moderating effect of causerelat­ed identifica­tion and the mediating effect of consumer’s trust. The results suggest that:perceived risk of influencer marketing has a significan­t negative impact on consumers' purchase intention;perceived risk of influencer marketing has a negative impact on consumer trust,while consumer trust has a significan­t positive impact on purchase intention,and consumer trust plays a partial mediating role;and cause-related identifica­tion plays a moderating role,namely the higher the degree of consumers' cause-related identifica­tion is,the more negative impact of perceived risk on their trust can be reduced. Based on this,the authors put forward some suggestion­s:first,the influencer­s should reduce the perceived risk of consumers by providing high- quality and high- costeffect­iveness products and services,timing and safe logistics,and high-quality after-sale service,which will enhance customers’ trust,and actively and effectivel­y adopt cause- related marketing strategy to enhance the customers' trust and purchase intention; and second,they should utilize big data to carry out targeted marketing,quickly connect with target consumers,effectivel­y convert the consumer flow into cash quickly and effectivel­y,and promote marketing accuracy and economic profits.

Key words:influencer marketing;perceived risk;consumer trust;purchase intention;cause-related identifica­tion

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