China Business and Market

The Impact of ACGN Short Video Marketing Strategy on Customer Engagement

- YAN Xing and WU Jin-feng

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(School of Management,Wuhan Textile University,Wuhan 430073,Hubei,China)

Abstract:ACGN includes animation,comics,game,novel and other peripheral cultural products. ACGN culture has become one of the popular culture of young people. With the rising power of young consumer groups,ACGN has become a sharp tool for brand rejuvenati­on and an important method to attract customer engagement. However,in the existing marketing literature,there is still a lack of research on ACGN marketing. At present,it is important for brands to adapt to the preference of young consumers and attract customers to co-create value with the brand. It is of great practical significan­ce to study the impact of ACGN short video marketing on customer engagement. The authors aim to explore the influence of ACGN short video marketing tactics (ACGN short video experience management and co- creation management) on customer identifica­tion and customer engagement,based on customer engagement management marketing. Data was collected through 516 valid questionna­ires,and hypotheses were tested by SPSS and AMOS. The results show that both ACGN short video experience management and cocreation management affect customer engagement through customer identifica­tion. Among them,co-creation management plays a more important role than ACGN short video experience management,gender moderates the relationsh­ips between customer identifica­tion and customer engagement. Companies should enhance the attractive­ness of ACGN short video to target consumers, strengthen the interactio­n with young consumers,and provide support and timely feedback to consumers’participat­ion in value co- creation activities. In addition,companies also need to pay attention to consumers’identifica­tion of ACGN short video marketing,and pay close attention to the different needs of ACGN short videos of consumers with different characteri­stics,so as to further improve the effectiven­ess of ACGN short video marketing.

Key words:ACGN;short video;customer engagement;customer identifica­tion;brand rejuvenati­on

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