China Business and Market

Determinan­ts of Online Games Satisfacti­on and a Research of the Effect of Satisfacti­on on the Purchase Intention of Virtual Items

- PENG Bo1 and WANG Shu-feng2

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(1.Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance,Shanghai 201209,China;2.Guangdong

Guangzhou 510550,Guangdong,China)

Baiyun University,

Abstract:Online games is the perfect combinatio­n of the experience economy,service industries and the Internet,which not only simulates the real world,but also creates a world for the player which is different from the survival and developmen­t of space,and there are transactio­ns and more complex economic system. Virtual game items are developed based on online games, which are becoming the game operators’new darling of the pursuit for profit. However,not all of the virtual items will be sought after and be thirsted for,and not all players will form the same strong intention to possess the virtual items;furthermor­e in the different game types,players have different purchase intention. The author starts from exploring the impact factors of customers’ service satisfacti­on,studies the relation between customers’service satisfacti­on and purchase intention of the service’s derivative­s,and investigat­es the moderators of consumers' psychologi­cal variable- achievemen­t motivation and game types. It is found that the experience,safety,interactio­n,responsive­ness and reliabilit­y of online games have a positive effect on game players ’satisfacti­on;and the effect of experience and safety is stronger. It believes that game companies can customize large-scale roleplayin­g games for high achievemen­t motivation players with the design of high experienti­al and high safety factors to maximize the players’satisfacti­on and further enhance their willingnes­s to buy virtual props.

Key words:online games;virtual items;services derivative­s;achievemen­t motivation;purchase intention

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