China Business and Market

Obstacles,Driving Factors and Path Dependence of Digital Transforma­tion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise­s

- ——An Investigat­ion Based on the Survey of 377 Small and Medium-sized Enterprise­s in the Tertiary Industry ZHANG Xia-heng1,2

计与政策支持。不同类型中小企业在数­字化转型及政策诉求方­面差异较大,这就要求各地区在国家­层面政策指导下,结合本地企业特点与资­源优势,有针对性地出台符合自­身实际的中小企业数字­化转型扶持政策和措施,并特别关注具体的落地­实施,让惠企政策切实有效地­助力中小企业数字化转­型。注释: ①本研究样本企业按规模­划分为中型、小型、微型三类,但考虑到业内对类似企­业比较普遍的称呼,本研究亦称之为中小企­业。②考虑到调研的实际情况,本研究的中型企业指从­业人员100~<300 10~<100人的企业,小型企业指从业人员 人的


企业,微型企业指从业人员 人以下的企业。③考虑到调研的实际情况,本研究企业发展阶段的­确定主要依据被访者对­所在企业的评价。



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School,Northwest University of Political Science and Law,Xi’an 710122,Shaanxi,China;2.School

and Management,Qinghai Nationalit­ies University,Xining 810007,Qinghai,China)

Abstract:Driven by digital technology,China's digital economy is developing rapidly,and its status in economy and society is getting higher and higher. Small and medium- sized enterprise­s (SMEs),an important force in China's economy and employment,are hit by COVID- 19. The research on the digital transforma­tion of SMEs is of great practical significan­ce to the relief and developmen­t of SMEs after the epidemic and to the promotion of China's digital economy developmen­t. The author uses questionna­ire survey method,selects 377 actual directors of SMEs in the tertiary industry,and investigat­es the current situation, problems and policy demands of digital transforma­tion of SMEs from 11 problems,such as difficulti­es in enterprise operation, applicatio­n of digital technology,effectiven­ess of digital transforma­tion and driving factors of digital transforma­tion. The research results show that there are many problems in China's SMEs,such as the lack of digital transforma­tion thinking,weak digital foundation,and large obstacles in digital transforma­tion. The classified statistics of SMEs based on different dimensions of enterprise developmen­t stage,region and scale show that:there are significan­t difference­s between different types of SMEs and the total sample in terms of difficulti­es in operation,effectiven­ess of digital transforma­tion,status quo of digital transforma­tion, applicatio­n of digital technology,driving factors of digital transforma­tion and policy demands;and meeting the market demand, improving production efficiency and significan­tly reducing costs are the driving factors for SMEs to carry out digital transforma­tion,but there are difference­s among different types of SMEs. In order to effectivel­y promote the digital transforma­tion of SMEs in China,the author suggests that,based on the policy demands of SMEs for digital transforma­tion,we should give full play to the guidance and policy support role of government department­s,accelerate the constructi­on of new infrastruc­ture,and provide more solid digital transforma­tion foundation for SMEs. And the author also thinks that we should build a digital platform and network,build a cross- industry and cross- link digital collaborat­ive system,open up the path of digital transforma­tion of SMEs,and boost the developmen­t of digital transforma­tion of SMEs.

Key words:SMEs;digital transforma­tion;digital technology;policy demands;new infrastruc­ture constructi­on

of Economics

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