China Business and Market

Internatio­nal Economic and Trade Rules in the Perspectiv­e of Global Value Chain:Challenges and Trends

- LIU Nai-xi

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(School of Internatio­nal Economics,China Foreign Affairs University,Beijing 100037,China) Abstract:Internatio­nal economic trade disputes and conflicts occur more and more frequently,and WTO reform is in a dilemma. From the perspectiv­e of classic theories of internatio­nal economics,we cannot fully understand the dilemma of current internatio­nal economic governance,but we can find a clearer answer from the perspectiv­e of global value chain. The deepening of global value chain developmen­t has been reshaping the global economic and trade structure,and at the same time,it has also been in fierce conflict with the old system of internatio­nal economic and trade rules,mainly in three aspects:the increasing dispute over the rules on the border,the constant shift towards the dispute of rules within the border,and the dispute with the SDT rule related to the rules both on and within the border. Through the microstruc­ture analysis from the perspectiv­e of global value chain, it is found that the deep-seated reasons for the three challenges are that the old internatio­nal economic and trade rules system no longer adapts to the needs of the internatio­nal economic and trade structure in the era of global value chain. The reform of internatio­nal economic and trade rules will further lower the threshold of rules on the border,indefinite­ly shelve the rules within the border,break the link between Special and Differenti­al Treatment (SDT) and the status of developing countries,and reshape the SDT rule system from the technical level. Finally,four directiona­l suggestion­s are put forward for China's choice:first,to firmly safeguard the rules system of the United Nations,especially the WTO frame;second,to accelerate the promotion of higher-quality regional economic and trade agreements;third,to gradually move from oral disputes of the status of developing countries under the single static SDT rule,to the value chain SDT treatments under differenti­al dynamic SDT rules;fourth,to actively strengthen global economic governance cooperatio­n.

Key words:global value chain;internatio­nal economic and trade rule;border rule;Special and Differenti­al Treatment reform

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