China Business and Market

Constructi­on of Cross Border E-Commerce Dispute Enforcemen­t Mechanism Based on Private Execution and Smart Contract

- WEI Ting-ting

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(Faculty of Arts,Xi'an University of Architectu­ral Science and Technology,Xi’an 710055,Shaanxi,China)

Abstract:Cross border e-commerce dispute resolution has become one of the problems that hinder the rapid developmen­t of cross- border e- commerce in the future. In recent years,China has begun to focus on the developmen­t of“Silk Road ecommerce”,and the volume of cross- border online transactio­ns has increased significan­tly. After the outbreak of novel coronaviru­s pneumonia,due to the obstructio­n of offline transactio­ns,the volume of online transactio­ns has increased rapidly, and the number of commercial disputes has also increased sharply. In this context,influenced by Internet technology,the traditiona­l way of judicial enforcemen­t to protect online dispute enforcemen­t has obvious effectiven­ess limitation­s,and network private enforcemen­t has increasing­ly highlighte­d the normative value and comparativ­e advantage. Based on the practical investigat­ion of the network private power execution mode,although it still faces the problems of poor implementa­tion effect and technology lag,it can improve its efficiency by introducin­g the smart contract technology,so as to open up a realistic path to resolve the dilemma of Online Dispute execution. In view of this,the future of the enforcemen­t mechanism of cross-border ecommerce online disputes should follow the demands of modern rule of law,take smart contracts as the carrier,establish an integrated linkage mechanism from trial to execution and decentrali­zation,and strive to improve the implementa­tion supervisio­n system,evidence collection and security storage system,and finally form an implementa­tion mechanism with network autonomy as the main and judicial relief as the supplement.

Key words:cross-border e-commerce;dispute enforcemen­t mechanism;network private execution;intelligen­t contract

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