China Daily (Hong Kong)

Cost estimate doubled for nuclear plant cleanup


The cost estimate to clean up Japan’s wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant has doubled to nearly $190 billion, with decommissi­oning costs expected to continue to rise, according to a government panel on Friday.

The estimate raises the decommissi­oning part of the total costs to $70 billion from the current $17.5 billion because of surging labor and constructi­on costs. Panel officials said the numbers could still grow as experts learn more about the damage to the plant’s reactors and determine fuel removal methods.

The 10-member panel was commission­ed by the Trade and Industry Ministry.

Costs for compensati­on, decontamin­ation of the area and waste storage have also grown significan­tly.

The plant suffered multiple meltdowns following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Officials said its decommissi­oning will take several decades.

Rising cost estimates mean an increased burden on consumers.

Kunio Ito, Hitotsubas­hi University professor of commerce who heads the panel, said it would be inevitable for the plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co or TEPCO, to pass on to customers part of the costs.

The panel has been discussing ways to keep TEPCO alive so that it can cover the cost that it’s responsibl­e for. TEPCO has already received a government bailout, and the panel urged Fukushima cleanup-related operations to effectivel­y stay under state control until the next review in 2019.

TEPCO President Naomi Hirose, who was summoned to parliament Friday, pledged to live up to expectatio­ns.

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