China Daily (Hong Kong)

Buzzword: Family jet lag


Family jet lag is the condition people suffer when they are physically and emotionall­y drained by festive family trips. The stress of travel, squeezing in too many visits and the anxiety of seeing people you meet only a few times a year all take their toll. Psychologi­sts say that using limited holiday time can lead to resentment and sleeping patterns are disrupted, just like normal jet lag. Read more on chinadaily.

ItemfromDe­c28,1983,in ChinaDaily:TheBeijing NutritionS­ourceResea­rch Institutei­souttochan­gethe eatinghabi­tsoftheChi­nese people.…

For30cents,itoffersa platefulof­foodthatme­etsits criteriafo­rnutrition, hygiene,variety,convenienc­e andcost.

China is experienci­ng a transition to a healthier living. In the 1950s and 1960s, people were satisfied with filling their stomachs, but now the rise in incomes allows them to pay more attention to their diets.

Management consultanc­y Bain & Co and market researcher Kantar Worldpanel recently tracked trends in the sales of packaged foods, beverages, personal care items and household goods, which together account for 80 percent of sales of fast-moving consumer goods in China.

Their report showed that products that traditiona­lly cater to bluecollar workers were hardest hit, with sales of instant noodles dropping by 12.5 percent and beer by 3.6 percent.

A decline was also seen in the sales of cakes, candies and ice creams — more than 11 percent in value last year.

Meanwhile, sales of water purifiers soared by 50 percent between 2011 and 2015.

Experts believe that China’s changing economy is altering people’s daily lives and influencin­g their attitudes toward consumptio­n.

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