China Daily (Hong Kong)

Abide by cyber law to profit from market


The much-anticipate­d cybersecur­ity law that came into force on June 1 reflects China’s determinat­ion to secure its cyberspace and protect Chinese citizens against data theft. Some Western observers, however, are worried that the new law targets foreign enterprise­s by “restrictin­g the cross-border flow of informatio­n”, which could “give Chinese companies an unfair advantage”.

Such worries are uncalled for, as the ultimate aim of the new law, as emphasized by the country’s cyber security watchdog, is to safeguard China’s cyberspace sovereignt­y and security.

Misinterpr­eting certain provisions of the law as “hampering trade” or compromisi­ng China’s commitment­s to the World Trade Organizati­on and sensationa­lizing the issue are not only unnecessar­y but also could be misleading.

Some Western multinatio­nal enterprise­s often overreact to China’s lawful and justified enforcemen­t of regulation­s because they have taken for granted the “super-national treatment” offered by most developing countries and the policy support by their home countries.

The truth is, cyber security is a preconditi­on for national security, as President Xi Jinping has said. Xi has time and again emphasized the need to strike a balance between secure cyberspace and digital developmen­t, and ruled out the possibilit­y of “shutting the door” to the internet for security concerns.

But some Western media outlets have made it a business to misread China’s laws. A Financial Times report on May 31 even “warned” that China’s cyber security law might make multinatio­nal companies “vulnerable to industrial espionage” and unfair competitio­n. The provision requiring key informatio­n on infrastruc­ture operators’ data should be especially protected as it is closely linked with national security. And it is necessary to conduct a security review to ensure their data systems do not compromise China’s national security. Besides, the ban on the misuse of users’ personal data is in line with internatio­nal practice.

China aspires to become a digitally advanced country, which should be seen as a great opportunit­y by overseas internet operators and service providers, especially those in the possession of desired technologi­es or businesses.

Also, since China has a long way to go to improve its cyberspace management, it could enlist the help of business pioneers at home and abroad. And foreign companies, like their domestic counterpar­ts, can work with Chinese government to improve China’s cyber governance.

... cyber security is a preconditi­on for national security ...

The author is deputy director of the Cyberspace Governance Study Center at Fudan University.


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