China Daily (Hong Kong)

Guangdong city’s digital system outsources certain services

- By XU JINGXI in Huizhou, Guangdong

Click a button and wait for 30 seconds, the computer will randomly pick the company to provide services for a government project. Then the computer operator will type the company’s name on a bid-winning notice, which will pop up on the cellphone of the company’s staff in a minute.

The whole process is displayed on a big screen in the municipal administra­tive services center of Huizhou in South China’s Guangdong province, ensuring the transparen­cy and fairness of government procuremen­t of intermedia­ry services for administra­tive approval.

Huizhou was the first location in the province to set up an online “intermedia­ry supermarke­t” in 2014, in which the city government offers projects and the prices for intermedia­ry services. Service providers can browse online and select projects when they accept the price. Then the computer will draw lots to choose the bid winner.

A fixed assets investment project, whether it is invested by the government or by companies, must go through a vetting process from project initiation to constructi­on completion. As a result, the project needs to hire thirdparty organizati­ons that can provide services such as land valuation and cost consulting to get approval from administra­tive organs.

In the past, some administra­tive organs would assign one or several agencies over a long period of time to provide services, which created a monopoly harmful to the market developmen­t, said Hu Jianbin, a standing committee member of Huizhou Municipal Party Committee.

“The online intermedia­ry supermarke­t has cut off the guanxi (connection­s) between administra­tive organs and agencies, which effectivel­y prevents corruption,” Hu said.

Zhu Shushen is the business manager of the Huizhou office of the Beijing-headquarte­red China Urban Constructi­on Consulting Co Ltd. He said he used to spend a lot of time and energy seeking government projects with guanxi and running between different government department­s to hand in applicatio­n documents.

“Now I just need to get registered at the online interme-

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