China Daily (Hong Kong)

Guard of Honor puts best foot forward to commemorat­e return

- By WILLA WU in Hong Kong willa@chinadaily­

It is 11 am. The sun is blazing . Waves of heat lick the cement ground, causing images to waver from afar. I t i s q u i e t . Ev e n t h e g r a s s planted on both sides of the parade ground is still, as if too hot to move.

A troop of 210 soldiers, clad in green uniforms and caps, stands tall in the middle of the parade ground. Their left legs, straight with toes pointed, are lifted at a fixed angle. Sweat, running in rivulets, rolls down their foreheads, cheeks, necks and disappears under their collars to reappear on their uniforms, front and back.

These soldiers are the Guard of Honor of the People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison.

They are practicing posture training, a routine drill that requires lifting the leg to a certain height and angle; when it touches the ground, a stride of 75 centimeter­s. When seen from the side, all the legs are lifted in a level line.

“Being neat and orderly is ever ything to the honor guards. They are the face of the PLA ,” said Han Yimeng, acting head of the Guard of Honor at the PLA’s Hong Kong Garrison.

Ha n , w h o h a s b e e n i n charge of drilling honor g u a r d s i n Ho n g Ko n g f o r seven years, said the major focus of the training lies in appearance and spirit: “The honor guards should present themselves in high spirits with synchroniz­ed movements.”

Establishe­d in 1952, the PLA Guard of Honor is primarily responsibl­e for ceremonial and protocol missions, having long been praised for their elevated spirits and the precision of their drills.

T h e Ho n g Ko n g d e t a c h - ment, which was formed in 1997 with soldiers selected from the PLA Guard of Honor, has carried on the fine tradition, Han said, adding t h a t h i s t r o o p s h av e w o n the hearts of the people of Hong Kong people through more than 150 ceremonial missions in the past 20 years.

“I still remember the faces of the Hong Kong people w h e n t h e y s aw u s p a r a d e during the 15 th handover anniversar y in 2012. I could tell from their expression­s that they admired us and felt so proud,” Han said.

“Now we will have female guards in the formation.”

The first batch of 13 female PLA Guard of Honor soldiers made their debut in Beijing, at a welcoming cer- emony for the President of Turkmenist­an, Gurbanguly Berdymuham­edov, when he visited China in May 2014.

Previously, female PLA soldiers were usually assigned to noncombat units, such as communicat­ions and a r t i s t i c t r o o p s . H o w e v e r, in recent years, more have joined combat units such as fighter jet squadrons and the Special Forces.

Wang Jinyu, from Hunan province, was one of the new recruits when the PLA Hong Kong Garrison started to train the female guards in Februar y last year.

“To be honest, the drills are painful and tiring ,” the 25-year-old soldier said, knitting her brows. She recalled training to hoist t h e 3 .7 5 - k i l o g r a m b ay o n e t rifle to her shoulder while marching: “The gun is too heavy to be lifted easily by female honor guards. And it is even harder to do it in just 3 seconds with your legs still moving .”

She cried several times af ter failed attempts. “Not because of the painful drills, but because I felt anxious and discourage­d at n o t m a s t e r i n g t h e s k i l l s ,” she said.

But she did not stop tr ying. “When I was low in spirits, I watched documentar­ies about the Guard o f H o n o r. M y b l o o d w a s stirred ever y time I saw the Guard of Honor marching. I said to myself, ‘Look, you are one of them’,” she said.

She succeeded, and enjoyed the unexpected bonus of being named as the squad leader.

A popular saying in the squad is that ever y year an honor guard “exudes a ton of sweat, wears out seven pair of shoes and walks 8,000 kilometers in training ”.

In addition to training to ensure that every movement is neat and orderly, the honor guards are also required to adopt a standard post u r e . Ha n i n t r o d u c e d s e v - eral techniques he uses to correct soldiers’ posture: a playing card is put between the knees to make the soldier stand upright; sharp pins are attached to the collar of the uniform to prevent the neck tipping to one side; and a cross is tied on a soldier’s back to prevent a hunchbacke­d posture.

Ev e n t h e e x p r e s s i o n i n the eyes is included in the training. “The honor guards should have bright, piercing eyes. And the eyes should remain open, only blinking about ever y 40 seconds.” A normal person blinks ever y five to 10 seconds.

“T he Guard of Honor in Hong Kong Garrison is different from those in Beij i n g . He r e i n Ho n g Ko n g , my troops are a force that can march neatly on ceremonial tasks but also fight like any other army force,” Han said.

In addition to movement training, the Guard of Honor also undertakes physical training ever y day. At 6 am ever y day, two hours before their routine movement training, the guards undertake 90 minutes of drills to maintain and improve their strength and power — a 5 -kilometer run, pushups, situps and other exercises.

“I h o p e t h e Ho n g Ko n g people will feel proud when they see us march. I also hope they will feel safe when they think about being protected by us — a mighty force and a civilized force,” Han said.

 ?? PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY ?? The Guard of Honor of the People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison march at a flag-raising ceremony during an open day last year.
PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY The Guard of Honor of the People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison march at a flag-raising ceremony during an open day last year.
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