China Daily (Hong Kong)

Gang nabbed with 50 kg of ketamine

- Chengguan.

Six men who colluded to produce drugs in a barren mountain were recently detained in Liuzhou. Police seized more than 50 kilograms of ketamine, as well as tools and equipment used for drug production, during a raid on the secret drug den. Police set up a task force when they found materials for producing ketamine in a trash can the men sold to a local recycle station in October. has promised to demolish a swimming pool built on the top of a skyscraper in a housing estate after mediation from urban patrol officers, known as The officers launched an investigat­ion after residents complained, saying constructi­on of the swimming pool had not been authorized and that it threatens the safety of the building. The circular pool, which was built by an apartment owner on the top floor, is more than 3 meters in diameter and more than 1 meter deep.

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