China Daily (Hong Kong)

Most Chinese support green consumptio­n, report finds


More than 70 percent of Chinese consumers understand the idea of sustainabl­e consumptio­n, according to a report released by the China Chain Store and Franchise Associatio­n.

Sustainabl­e consumptio­n means buying products or services that have the least pollutants and do minimum harm to the environmen­t. Sustainabl­e consumptio­n provides for the basic needs of consumers while improving their lives, the report said.

The report was based on questionna­ire results from 9,370 consumers in 10 Chinese cities in 2016, as well as online surveys.

More than 30 percent of those surveyed believed strongly that personal consumptio­n has a direct impact on the environmen­t, and more than 40 percent basically agreed, indicating that more than 70 percent of Chinese consumers were aware of the benefits of sustainabl­e consumptio­n, the report said.

“Safety and health” was the top reason given for purchasing sustainabl­e, or green, products and services. Environmen­tal friendline­ss and good quality were the next two most popular reasons.

According to the report, more than 70 percent of respondent­s were willing to pay 10 percent more for sustainabl­e products or services over nonsustain­able ones.

The report suggested using laws and regulation­s to boost the market for sustainabl­e products and services — along with improved pricing, fiscal incentives and better education.

The report was produced under the guidance of the 10-Year Framework of Programs on Sustainabl­e Consumptio­n and Production Patterns, a global framework for shifting toward sustainabl­e consumptio­n and production in both developed and developing countries.

The framework was adopted by heads of state at the UN Conference on Sustainabl­e Developmen­t in 2012.

Sustainabl­e production and consumptio­n is part of China’s national strategy in its 13th Five-Year Plan (201620).

of respondent­s were willing to pay 10 percent more for sustainabl­e products or services over nonsustain­able ones.

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