China Daily (Hong Kong)

Home visits offer students personal touch

One-on-one guidance still most effective approach for many tutors


A class tutor at Beijing’s Yimei Primary School, Zhao Lin has visited all 36 students’ homes at weekends and summer holidays since 2014 to discuss their studies with their parents. Zhao offers practical advice on how to improve their motivation and self-management.

The aim is to get parents more involved in educating their children, says school principal Jin Hui.

Although social networks and other new media have helped enhance communicat­ion between teachers and parents, Jin believes traditiona­l home visits are still necessary.

“Parents tend to be bewildered about their children’s education. Home visits mean teachers can give one-on-one guidance in a targeted way. That helps create a concerted effort for educating children,” Jin says.

In September, the Chinese government issued a guideline on education reform, which called for improvemen­ts to “family education and strengthen­ing family education guidance services to help parents establish a rational educationa­l philosophy”.

China has an ancient tradition of family-led education. Some family rules and traditions have been passed down from generation to generation. However, this cultural legacy is now being tested.

Some working parents have precious little spare time to spend with their children; some don’t know how to discuss matters with their children effectivel­y, especially if the youngsters are strongwill­ed or rebellious. Indulging children in online gaming has to some extent revealed weaknesses in family education.

As a result, the demand by parents for more scientific methods to raise their children is growing. Books on child-rearing and education philosophy often appear on best-sellers lists. Some parents even consult profession­als.

Chinese authoritie­s have pledged greater support and guidance.

According to the Five-Year Outline on the Promotion of Family Education (2016-2020) released in November 2016, “parent schools” will be establishe­d in 90 percent of kindergart­ens, primary and middle schools in cities, and in 80 percent of rural schools by 2020.

Public institutio­ns such as museums and cultural centers will be required to hold at least two family education guidance sessions and two practical activities each year.

More cities are integratin­g family education guidance into the public service system and increasing financial support.

The Beijing Municipal Commission of Education recently launched a program providing guidance to more than 500,000 families of kindergart­en, primary and secondary school students.

Launched in 2012, the “mobile education lecture hall” has held hundreds of free public lectures for more than 10,000 parents, inviting leading experts, scholars and teachers to answer questions.

In Shandong province, research centers and mentor training bases have been set up with the help of universiti­es, research institutio­ns or internet platforms.

Some places are fast-tracking local legislatio­n on family education. Since the implementa­tion of the Chongqing Family Education Promotion Ordinance in September 2016, public security agencies have admonished 1,323 parents or guardians for inappropri­ate family education.

Family education is also regarded as crucial for cultivatin­g and promoting socialist core values among China’s youth.

Qi Zhenjun, principal of the Primary School Affiliated to Beijing Chaoyang Teachers College, believes the essence of traditiona­l Chinese family culture, such as filial piety, should be creatively applied to modern family education.

In his school, parents volunteer to be guest speakers at flagraisin­g ceremonies, sharing their life and work experience with students. The school also encourages students and their families to take part in volunteer services in the community.

“Parents’ mindsets and the home environmen­t are thought to influence child developmen­t greatly. Parents can set a good example for their children and help instill social responsibi­lity through these activities,” Qi says.

Some Chinese parents only focus on intellectu­al education, sending their kids to extracurri­cular classes in the hope of raising their test scores.

“Moral education and character building should not be neglected,” says Qi. “They are the essence of family education, which helps prepare children for the future.”

 ?? LYU XIAO / XINHUA ?? Zhao Lin (second from right), of Yimei Primary School, visits her student Zhang Luokai’s home to meet his family.
LYU XIAO / XINHUA Zhao Lin (second from right), of Yimei Primary School, visits her student Zhang Luokai’s home to meet his family.

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