China Daily (Hong Kong)

Change to environmen­tal tax means polluters will have to pay the price


CHINA replaced the environmen­tal pollution fee with the environmen­tal protection tax on Monday. The seriousnes­s of the pollution, as indicated by the environmen­tal watchdogs’ monitoring statistics, will determine the rate of the tax. Beijing News commented on Monday:

For decades local government­s have collected a fee from polluting enterprise­s. Designed to rein in the degradatio­n of the environmen­t, the pollution fee has failed to prevent environmen­tal conditions from worsening.

It was not rare for enterprise­s to regard paying the fee, whose amount differs from place to place, as obtaining a permit to discharge pollutants.

And government­s in some places connived in this practice, because the polluting companies are often the main source of tax revenue, and because if the pollution reaches a certain level the enterprise­s will be ordered to pay a fine.

One thing is certain, little, if any, of the money is used for environmen­tal restoratio­n.

The fee-to-tax reform can effectivel­y plug these loopholes, as the tax is collected and spent

at a higher-level than that of the local government­s.

The tax will be included in the government budget, and put under scrutiny of the government discipline and auditing watchdogs, as well as the public. Not only the collection, but also the use of the money will become much more transparen­t and predictabl­e.

And as the Environmen­tal Protection Tax Law, which came into effect on Monday, prescribes, all of the revenue from the tax will be spent on environmen­tal preservati­on and rehabilita­tion of the environmen­t.

Hopefully, the new law can be strictly carried out to turn the new kind of tax into a reliable source of funds to support environmen­tal and ecological health.

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