China Daily (Hong Kong)

Profession­al farmers’ system


(zhíyè nóngmín zhìdù)

The Central Rural Work Conference, held on Thursday and Friday, drew up a blueprint for the country’s agricultur­al developmen­t in 2018 and beyond.

One notable move is the plan to establish a profession­al farmers’ system. The conference vowed to fully establish a profession­al farmers’ system and strengthen the building of a team of profession­als in the rural regions.

The conference also vowed to “let farming be an attractive profession”. In an earlier news conference, Ye Zhenqin, vice-minister of agricultur­e, said that China plans to train more than a million new profession­al farmers to meet the nation’s agricultur­al demands.

According to Ye, China will support more new businesses that combine the agricultur­al, the industrial and the service sectors, and use Internet Plus technologi­es.

China will also cultivate a number of exemplary family farms, cooperativ­es and industrial­ized unions, so as to set good examples for farmers nationwide.

Besides encouragin­g profession­al farmers, scientists and researcher­s are expected to play a supportive role, while commercial capital is encouraged to more actively participat­e in the revitaliza­tion of China’s rural regions.


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