China Daily (Hong Kong)

Ways to revitalize the agricultur­al sector

- Dang Guoying The author is a researcher in rural developmen­t at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The rural revitaliza­tion strategy is part of China’s overall strategy to build a prosperous and strong country, which also found mention in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The main aim of the rural revitaliza­tion strategy is to help rural residents to lead a better life, and that goal can be achieved only with the strong support of a modern economic system. To improve the mechanism and policy system of integrativ­e urbanrural developmen­t, the authoritie­s should change the old relationsh­ip between urban and rural areas.

First, they have to establish a unified urban-rural factor market, and take measures to ensure the free flow of factors between urban and rural areas. The economic contributi­on of the urban economic sector is remarkably higher than that of the rural sector in China, which shows the free flow of production factors has not yet been achieved.

The market for constructi­on land and farming land in urban and rural areas is unbalanced, resulting in the excessivel­y high land price. One way of solving this problem is to promote integrativ­e developmen­t between urban and rural areas through marketizat­ion of land.

Second, the authoritie­s should change their mindset that the countrysid­e is a “reservoir” of surplus labor and impoverish­ed people that can be used as cheap labor. Rural areas should not be made to bear this heavy burden any more; instead, rural residents should be encouraged to become “modern farmers”.

Third, improving agricultur­e competitiv­eness should be incorporat­ed in the strategy for improving the overall competitiv­eness of the national economy. In recent years, China’s service industry and manufactur­ing exports have become more competitiv­e, but the comparativ­e advantages of its agricultur­e industry are gradually waning. Although the agricultur­e industry is improving, its internatio­nal competitiv­eness is weaker compared with that of the manufactur­ing industry.

China’s agricultur­e industry cannot afford to lose its competitiv­eness, and its survival should not depend on high government subsidy. The authoritie­s should take measures to build a strong capital-intensive agricultur­e industry, along with the technology-intensive manufactur­ing industry, to achieve a competitiv­e trade pattern, and the rural developmen­t campaigns can help achieve that goal.

Fourth, economic policies should help promote the needed adjustment in China’s population distributi­on. At present, labor productivi­ty in urban areas is much higher than in rural areas. But if the urban-rural division is adjusted, the urbanizati­on rate can increase to about 62 percent.

The agricultur­al GDP will reduce to about 5 percent of China’s overall GDP and agricultur­al population to about 10 percent of China’s overall population by 2035, which means a remarkable increase in agricultur­al labor productivi­ty. By that time China’s Engel coefficien­t — which measures the living standard of a country with a lower coefficien­t indicating a higher standard of living — is expected to be lower than 20 percent, and the urbanizati­on rate will increase to about 80 percent. But for that, a stronger agricultur­al sector and higher farmers’ income are necessary, which in turn will narrow the income gap between urban and rural residents, and promote integrativ­e urban-rural developmen­t.

Fifth, rural policies should be changed. The present urban-rural division and population mismatch are unreasonab­le, preventing urban-rural integrativ­e developmen­t even with supportive policymaki­ng. So the authoritie­s have to change the existing rural policy, in order to promote the integrativ­e developmen­t of urban and rural areas.

To achieve the goal of rural revitaliza­tion strategy, a series of social and economic policies have to be adjusted. The authoritie­s should develop advanced agricultur­al technology that can save water and fertilizer and still increase agricultur­al productivi­ty and improve the rural environmen­t.

Also, the land protection policies should be unified to better safeguard farmland, and the urban-rural administra­tive division model changed according to the availabili­ty of constructi­on land and population density.

Moreover, the urban-rural social governance model should be changed to meet the demands of rising urbanizati­on and population redistribu­tion in urban and rural areas. Accordingl­y, the land property rights system and the agricultur­al management system should also be changed to facilitate balanced urban-rural developmen­t.


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