China Daily (Hong Kong)

Automaker blazes big trail in sector’s future developmen­t


Thanks to the group’s strong capacity for innovation, BMW is systematic­ally forging ahead with connectivi­ty and digitaliza­tion in all areas, as the two fields are the most dominant in the radical transforma­tion of the future of mobility.

The German automaker is blazing a trail for intelligen­t vehicle connectivi­ty and exploiting the potential of digitaliza­tion, in line with its corporate initiative, named Strategy Number One > Next.

BMW’s strategy of systematic­ally advancing vehicle connectivi­ty, combined with its investment in backend architectu­re work together to play a vital role in shaping the future landscape of mobility.

In the future, autonomous vehicles must be fully-connected for real-time cloud computing and informatio­n exchange, and so automakers are turning mobile networks into a highspeed informatio­n highway.

BMW is to strengthen its leading status in the technologi­cal transition driving forward what it calls the ACES — autonomous, connected, electrifie­d, services and shared.

There are currently intelligen­tly connected vehicles from the group in 46 markets worldwide. Advanced technologi­es in the fields such as cloud computing and artificial intelligen­ce are employed for this, along with state-of-theart developmen­t processes for efficientl­y creating new services and optimizing existing functions.

With BMW ConnectedD­rive, the company has been a pioneer in intelligen­t connectivi­ty and the use of online-based in-car services for a long time now. The vehicle’s built-in SIM card is the key to connected, comfortabl­e motoring. BMW has already completed the groundwork with more than 10 million of its vehicles from series production fitted with embedded SIM cards, one of the most among automakers.

By creating a secure and permanentl­y available backend environmen­t, BMW is making the most of the potential offered by mobile data transfers.

The secure mobile connection makes it possible to transmit live informatio­n to the vehicle and both receive and send data from the car to the IT backend over the air.

The forthcomin­g fifth-generation mobile network will be more powerful than ever, as a result the 5G technology opens up new possibilit­ies for vehicle connectivi­ty. Sharing the data required for autonomous driving is only possible with the necessary speed and reliabilit­y using the new 5G informatio­n highway.

The data rates that 5G can achieve will take the quality of in-car online entertainm­ent to a whole new level, while connectivi­ty between vehicles and transport infrastruc­ture can also be stepped up in this way.

BMW is developing technologi­es and systems that harness this potential now, so that it can start to offer 5G-based functions in production vehicles as early as 2020.

Intelligen­t connectivi­ty is leveraged to help BMW customers drive safely and avoid accidents by providing them with informatio­n in real time.

Warnings of both weatherrel­ated hazards and brokendown vehicles have been transmitte­d to BMW vehicles using connectivi­ty technology since November 2016. The range of messages sent to cars in real time is set to be further expanded this year.

The registered instances of emergency brake downs will then be used to issue even more accurate congestion reports in order to reduce the risk of collisions at the tail end of traffic jams. Requests to form emergency vehicle corridors sent out by police traffic report centers will also be transmitte­d to any affected BMW vehicles.

The swift and accurate processing of informatio­n on road conditions and traffic situations also provides an important basis for optimizing the operation of automated driving systems. The knowledge shared within the connected vehicle fleet supplement­s the data collected from sensors and cameras and therefore enhances the ability to analyze situations and anticipate what is going to happen — an essential ingredient in automated driving.

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