China Daily (Hong Kong)

Beautifyin­g the countrysid­e


The constructi­on of a beautiful countrysid­e has been set as an important goal in the country’s rural revitaliza­tion strategy. The strategy, mapped out by the top authoritie­s in January, lists a beautiful countrysid­e, competitiv­e modern agricultur­e, and farmers’ prosperity as its three major goals.

The central authoritie­s released a three-year action plan in February aimed at improving the rural living environmen­t and raising villagers’ awareness of environmen­tal protection.

Local government­s, therefore, should have strengthen­ed their efforts to take real and viable measures to resolve the long-standing rural environmen­t issues for the sake of rural residents’ wellbeing. However, this is not the case in some regions. Recently, media reports revealed a series of worsening environmen­tal issues such as the dumping of industrial waste and other garbage by local factories near some villages in Shaanxi and other provinces, which pose a serious hazard to the health of local residents.

The delay in efforts by local government­s to solve such problems and the lack of effective supervisio­n highlight the weak environmen­tal enforcemen­t in the countrysid­e and thus the weakness of the rural revitaliza­tion campaign.

And garbage disposal is a problem that affects the developmen­t of rural areas and agricultur­e. The growth in waste produced by villagers is related to their improving living conditions, but also to the lack of environmen­tal protection awareness, lack of garbage disposal facilities and the lack of an effective supervisio­n system. It is also closely related to local government­s’ shorted-sighted approach that puts economic developmen­t before the environmen­t.

Whether local government­s will take practical measures to cultivate and boost their environmen­tal protection efforts by holding environmen­t polluters accountabl­e, promoting garbage sorting and recycling and raising villagers’ environmen­tal protection awareness directly decides if the central authoritie­s’ strategy for rural revitaliza­tion is smoothly implemente­d.


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