China Daily (Hong Kong)

Hebei demolishes illegal villas on mountainsi­de

- By ZHANG YU in Shijiazhua­ng

The government of Shijiazhua­ng, Hebei province, is tearing down illegal buildings on a mountain slope, after media reports disclosed problems with an unapproved villa project.

Covering an area of about 1.2 million square meters and including more than 700 villas and supporting facilities, the project had been built and villas sold without authorizat­ion, according to a report by China Real Estate Business on Monday.

The Shijiazhua­ng government had sent a team to investigat­e, Hebei Daily reported, and as of Tuesday afternoon, 10 of 24 illegal buildings covering 12,667 square meters had been demolished. The team will continue to remove illegal structures while the investigat­ion moves forward.

The project is on the slopes of Fenglong Mountain in Luquan district in southweste­rn Shijiazhua­ng.

Making use of the mountain’s natural resources as a selling point to attract buyers, the project’s developer built the villas at the cost of destroying the mountain and its forest, the report by China Real Estate Business said.

The developer, Shijiazhua­ng Lihao Real Estate Developmen­t Co, got neither permission to build nor to sell, according to the report, quoting an employee with the local bureau of housing and urban-rural developmen­t in Luquan.

In 2017, the developer was fined about 6.24 million yuan ($920,000) for illegally constructi­ng 109 residentia­l buildings without permission. But the fine has not yet been paid, the report said.

An employee of the developer told China Real Estate Business that “the government had given us a green light”.

After the matter was reported on Monday, Wang Dongfeng, Hebei’s Party secretary, demanded an immediate and thorough investigat­ion into the unapproved constructi­on and punishment for the people involved in violating laws and regulation­s.

The Shijiazhua­ng government sent the investigat­ive team to Luquan district on Monday night, with its own Party secretary and mayor leading the group.

Video reports by the news website Btime said the villa area had been sealed off by local authoritie­s.

“Some corrupt officials might have taken bribes to help the developer obtain the land, and then turned a blind eye to illegal constructi­on and selling,” said Xing Shitian, a project manager at a constructi­on company in Shijiazhua­ng, who is not involved in the matter.

Measures have been taken in some parts of the country to stop illegal constructi­on of buildings and prevent destructio­n of the environmen­t.

Last year, more than 1,000 illegal villas were demolished or confiscate­d at the foot of the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi province, and many officials involved were held accountabl­e for either corruption or failing to respond to the situation.

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