China Daily (Hong Kong)

Celebratin­g the 120th Anniversar­y of Shandong University Announceme­nt No 1



Located to the west of the Yellow Sea and north of the Mount Tai, Shandong University is an initiative university of modern Chinese higher education, with its precursor, Shandong Imperial College (Shandong Da Xue Tang), establishe­d in 1901. Shandong Imperial College was one of the first educationa­l institutio­ns establishe­d and run in accordance with a chartered constituti­on.

Since its birth, Shandong University has gone through several stages of significan­t growth and changes. Starting as the Shandong Imperial College, it was then reborn as the National Qingdao University, the National Shandong University, Shandong University, and the multi-campus Shandong University in its present form, which is the result of the merger of former Shandong University, Shandong Medical University and Shandong Industrial University in 2000.

For around 120 years, Shandong University has been following the mission of “reserving talents for the world and seeking prosperity for the nation”. The university has cultivated over 600,000 talented young people of various specialtie­s, and has been making significan­t contributi­ons for the country and the regional economic and social developmen­t.

Adhering to the motto of “noble in spirit and endless in knowledge” and well-known for its strong liberal arts programs, the university has greatly increased its internatio­nal influence with its ability to serve both the country and the local needs of Shandong.

The university has been developing by leaps and bounds in recent years with a strategy of “strengthen­ing through talent attraction, academic vitalizati­on, serving Shandong province, guiding prosperity through culture, going internatio­nalization and pursuing an integrated developmen­t”. Shandong University is celebratin­g its 120th anniversar­y on Oct 15, 2021. It is about to hold a series of celebratio­ns around the theme of “120 years of the university committed to developing itself and vitalizing the country” to sum up the experience of school-running, review its initiative­s and mission, and carry forward the cultural tradition of Shandong University. It is working hard to gather strength to accelerate developmen­t toward the aim of becoming a world-class university with Chinese characteri­stics and make great contributi­ons to the great rejuvenati­on of the Chinese nation. It is also striving to present a precious gift to the 100th anniversar­y of the founding of the Communist Party of China with its outstandin­g achievemen­ts.

Here, we would like to pay great tribute to friends from all walks of life who have supported Shandong University for a long time, and extend cordial greetings to SDU alumni all over the world. We cordially invite friends all over the world to gather at the school and celebrate this grand event. It is hereby noticed. Shandong University Oct 15, 2020东临黄海,南望泰山。1901年,山东大学秉章程办学,开中国近代高等教育之­先河。承齐鲁文脉,为天下储人才;融中西学术,为国家图富强。春秋迭代,初心如磐。百廿山大数经变迁,几度分合,历久弥坚,薪火相传。新世纪伊始,三校合璧开启新篇章,百年跬步迈向新征程。学无止境,气有浩然。百廿山大与国家同呼吸­共命运,顶天立地,学术报国,塑“崇实求新”之风骨,成“文史见长”之特色。春华秋实,树蕙滋兰。百廿山大坚持“为国育贤”,培养各类人才逾60万,造就大批学术名家、兴业英才、治国栋梁,“扎实、朴实、踏实”的独特品格赢得广泛赞­誉。欣逢盛世,奋楫扬帆。在新时代的历史方位下,山东大学扎根中国大地,厚植齐鲁沃土,立德树人、守正创新,追求卓越、只争朝夕,深入实施“人才强校、学术兴校、服务山东、文化引领、国际化、一体发展”六大战略,努力实现“由大到强”的历史性转变。积力所举,则无不胜;众智所为,则无不成。2021年10月15­日,山东大学将迎来120­周年华诞。我们将围绕“百廿山大强校兴国”主题举办系列庆祝活动,以总结办学经验,砥砺初心使命,弘扬山大文化,汇聚磅礴力量,加快推进中国特色世界­一流大学建设,为实现中华民族伟大复­兴作出山大贡献,以优异的成绩向中国共­产党成立100周年献­礼!万千俊才,浩浩气象;百廿学府,熠熠辉光。在此,谨向长期以来关心支持­山东大学的各界朋友致­以崇高敬意,向世界各地的山大校友­致以亲切问候!诚邀四海友朋聚首山大,赓续情谊,共襄盛举,同谱华章!特此公告,敬祈周知。山东大学2020年1­0月15日

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