China Daily (Hong Kong)

More people signing up as organ donors

Voluntary registrati­ons have doubled to 2.51 million, Red Cross Society says

- By WANG XIAOYU in Hangzhou

We are at a tipping point where a rising number of people are responding to our messages by taking action.

Hou Fengzhong, deputy director of the China Organ Donation Administra­tive Center

The number of registered organ donors in China has more than doubled i n the past 20 months thanks to persistent public advocacy and upgraded management, officials and experts said on Saturday.

More than 2.51 million people have now signed up for organ donation across China, compared with 1.16 million in March last year, the Red Cross Society of China said.

Since 2010, around 31,300 people have donated their organs after death, resulting in transplant­s of about 91,700 individual organs, Wang Ping, vice-president of the society, told a news conference in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. The donors have included 11 foreigners, he added.

China initiated a trial program a decade ago to promote voluntary post-mortem organ donations and gradually implemente­d the practice nationwide. In 2015, the use of organs from executed prisoners was stopped, making voluntary donations the only legitimate source of organs.

With this year marking the 10 th anniversar­y of the shift, Wang said organ donations are now being recognized and accepted by a growing number of people.

“The rate of body donations in China has risen from 0.03 to 4.53 donors per million since 2010, and t he number of donated organs in China is the secondhigh­est in the world,” he said.

Hou Fengzhong, deputy director of the China Organ Donation Administra­tive Center, which is administer­ed by the Red Cross, said the progress has been built on years of efforts devoted to spreading awareness and making registrati­on easier.

“The growth rate for newly registered donors this year has far outpaced any year in the last decade,” he said.

Hou said the launch of education campaigns featuring moving stories of voluntary donors and organ coordinato­rs had helped people overcome cultural barriers and understand the significan­ce of organ donation.

“We are at a tipping point where a rising number of people are responding to our messages by taking action, including newlyweds who came to register together near their wedding days and high school graduates who decided to sign up after turning 18,” he said.

Hou said young adults in their 20s and 30s and the elderly, who tend to donate their bodies for medical research, are the most likely to register with the center.

“We rolled out a registrati­on platform on WeChat in October 2016 and created a mobile applicatio­n in 2018, and have recently begun issuing physical registrati­on cards and thank-you letters, which makes the registrati­on process more convenient and motivates the public to participat­e,” he said.

The expanding pool of willing donors has been noticed by Cao Yanfang, an organ donation coordinato­r i n Zhejiang province.

“In the past, we were used to seeing one out of 100 families of potential organ donors eventually agree to donate their family member's body. But the ratio has sometimes been as high as 20 percent in recent years,” she said.

Lawmakers and local officials have been working on new laws and regulation­s to accelerate the developmen­t of organ donations in China.

Shen Weixing, dean of Tsinghua University's School of Law, said China's first Civil Code, which was passed in May, includes two provisions related to organ donation, which highlighte­d the importance of the humanitari­an cause and will foster its long-term developmen­t.

Wang said some provincial-level regions across the country have released detailed regulation­s on governing organ donations and holding memorial services for donors.

“Organ donations and transplant­ations are complicate­d projects that require multiple government department­s to unite and contribute,” he said. “Pleading for stronger joint efforts from different government­s and narrowing regional gaps are part of our focus in the future.”

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