China Daily



Today’s deal occurred during a Camrose Trophy match last year. (The Camrose is an annual competitio­n among the member countries of the British Isles.) Sitting NorthSouth were David Price and Colin Simpson, world senior champions from England.

Notice that South correctly opened one diamond, bidding his longer suit even though it was a minor. West reasonably intervened with one heart. (Yes, this promised a five-card suit, but you may overcall in a strong four-bagger at the one-level when your hand is unsuitable for a takeout double, which normally means you are short in an unbid major.) North responded two no-trump, game-invitation­al with hearts held. Then, after South rebid three spades, North control-bid four clubs. Typically, this would have said that he was raising spades and really liked his hand, but he had denied four spades by failing to make a negative double on the first round. So, this bid said that he had the club ace, diamond support, probably a high spade and a suitable hand for a diamond contract. After South controlbid in hearts, North bid what he thought his partner could make.

West led the heart king (king from ace-king at the five-level and higher, asking for a count signal from partner) and shifted to a trump. Simpson won on the board, cashed the spade king, played a spade to his ace, ruffed a spade, led a club to his king, trumped another spade, ruffed a club, drew trumps and claimed.

None of the other 11 pairs found six diamonds.

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