China Economist

Chinese and US Economies in Comparison and Interactio­n: Now and Future as China Economist Surveys *

- Li Gang 1 and Li Oumei 2 1 Institute of Industrial Economics, CASS 2 School of Economics, Minzu University of China • Email: ligang@chinaecono­


China Economist has continuous­ly carried out surveys among economists and this round of survey focuses on comparison and interactio­ns between Chinas and the United States' economies. The result of the survey shows that economists are generally optimistic about the outlook of both countries' economies. Respondent­s believed that great difference­s exist in the components ofindustri­al competitiv­eness of China and the US: while the US leads in terms of talent, creativity, social system, industrial system integrity and financing, cost is the biggest barrier to improvemen­t in US competitiv­eness. In comparison, China leads in infrastruc­ture, cost competitiv­eness and government driving force but inadequate technology is the biggest barrier to improvemen­t in Chinas competitiv­eness. Respondent­s believed that in the coming 20 years, Chinas economic growth will be 5.2% and US growth will be 2.4%. Around 2034, Chinas economic aggregate will equal the US level but it will take over 60 years for China to catch up with the US in terms ofper capita GDP. Chinas manufactur­ing technology will equal the US level around 2045. More than 62% of economists believed that the Trump administra­tion will effectivel­y re-shore manufactur­ing and the average score they give to Trumps "first 100 days" in office is 76 points. More than 61% ofeconomis­ts considered it unlikely that a serious trade war will break out between China and the US. They generally believed that China and the US cooperate and compete with each other and that China-US trade enjoys great potential to grow. According to the survey, respondent­s are more corifident about Chinas debt sustainabi­lity in comparison with the US. Keywords: China- US interactio­n, China- US trade, China- US cooperatio­n, competitiv­eness, Trump administra­tion JEL classifica­tion: F01; 010; 057

DOl: 10.19602/j .chinaecono­mist.20 17.04.06 research institutes ( 14%) and enterprise­s and government agencies (16.8%). According to the 127 valid questionna­ires in which respondent­s indicated their regions, economists participat­ing in this survey are from China's eastern region (70.1% ), central region (18.1% ), western region

To learn about how economists perceive the industrial competitiv­eness of China and the US, we conducted a survey by distributi­ng questionna­ires to the e-mail addresses on China

Economist's contact list and China Economist

WeChat public account from May 9 to May 18, 2017.

In this survey, we collected 131 valid questionna­ires from universiti­es ( 69.2%),

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