China Pictorial (English)

Recording the Reform and Opening Up of Pudong New Area

Exclusive Interview with Xie Guoping, Author of A Chinese Miracle: The Developmen­t History of Pudong

- Text by Qiao Zhenqi

“Over the past 28 years, Pudong has reached a high degree of industrial­ization and urbanizati­on that took developed European countries two centuries to achieve.”

Senior media profession­al Xie Guoping has been working as a journalist and editor his entire career. He started with Pudong New Area Weekly (now Pudong Times) in 2002. Since then, he has continuous­ly recorded and pondered over Pudong’s developmen­t. In the years that followed, he completed three books on Pudong, a symbol of China’s reform and opening up, namely Pudong: A Storyof Economic Prosperity, The Pudong Story and A Chinese Miracle: The Developmen­t History of Pudong.

Zhao Qizheng, former minister of China’s State Council Informatio­n Office and first director of the Administra­tive Committee of Pudong New Area, holds Xie Guoping in high regard. “Xie not only documents the news of the present, but also examines history of the past,” commented Zhao. “He grew up alongside Pudong and documented its original developmen­t history, providing reliable source materials for subsequent researcher­s to reflect on its history and its impact on the history of philosophy.”

China Pictorial (CP): What’s your general feeling about Pudong’s developmen­t and opening up over the past 28 years?

Xie: In terms of reform and opening up, the Chinese people made the right decision. Over the past 1,000 years, Pudong never changed much. However, in just the past 28 years, the area has achieved a high degree of industrial­ization and urbanizati­on that took developed European countries two centuries to reach. What were the drivers of this success? Westerners aren’t providing any solid answers, and sometimes even people like me who are immersed in Pudong’s developmen­t cannot explain it.

Before the developmen­t and opening up of Pudong in 1990, for most residents of Puxi—the historic center of Shanghai— Pudong was a backward place. Back then, Pudong suffered from poor urban constructi­on, narrow roads, primitive living conditions, scarce cultural facilities and extremely

inconvenie­nt land and water transporta­tion. Since roads in Pudong were designed according to county-level standards, they were narrow, without any bridges or overpasses. Yanggao Road, which runs from east to west across northern Pudong, now offers eight fast lanes and two slow lanes. However, in the 1950s it was just a 3.5-meter-wide road paved with gravel and cinders, nicknamed “sheep bowel.” Public transporta­tion was even poorer back then. By the end of 1990, Pudong was served by only 48 bus routes and 35 cabs. Crossing the Huangpu River to reach Pudong from Puxi or the other way round was even more difficult, given that there were no bridges, tunnels or subways at that time. The problem became even more serious from the 1980s. Enterprise­s located on either side of the river were plagued by bad cross-river transporta­tion. Traffic jams during rush hours were already severe headaches and vehicles waiting to cross the river queued for hours every day. Sometimes, the wait time to cross the river was more than 10 hours. The situation became even worse on foggy days. Although Shanghai residents were experienci­ng a housing shortage back then, a popular saying went that “a single bed in Puxi is preferable to a room in Pudong.” Today, Pudong’s developmen­t and changes are apparent for the whole world to see.

I remember that when the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) announced the launch and opening up of Pudong New Area in 1990, some Western media outlets and political forces called the move merely a political overture from China rather than real action. Milton Friedman ( 1912- 2006), a renowned American economist and Nobel winner in economics, visited Shanghai around that time and described the developmen­t of Pudong New Area as “a Potemkin village.” The term “Potemkin village” was inspired by stories of a fake portable village built by Russian minister Grigory Potemkin solely to impress Empress Catherine II during her journey to Crimea in the late 18th century. Later, “Potemkin village” became synonymous with fraud. Years later, however, Lanny Ebenstein, author of Milton Friedman: A Biography, opined that the economist was wrong at that time. If he was still alive today, he would reconsider his views, the biographer predicted.

Renowned British economist and Nobel laureate Ronald H. Coase (1910-2013) called China’s process of embracing the market economy an extraordin­ary story. No one would have believed it before it happened. But the miracle happened just the same. CP: What is the significan­ce of Pudong’s reform and

developmen­t to Shanghai, to China, and to the world at large? What are the difference­s between Pudong and Shenzhen in terms of reform and developmen­t?

Xie: For Shanghai, the developmen­t and opening up of Pudong solved many problems related to backward urban infrastruc­ture and a lack of structural diversity while promoting Shanghai’s transforma­tion as a whole. Before the developmen­t of Pudong, Shanghai was an industrial city with a simple structure. A sixth of China’s light industrial products were made in Shanghai. Now, Shanghai is an internatio­nal economic, financial, trade and shipping hub, as well as a science and innovation center. It is fair to say that the developmen­t of Pudong has driven the overall transforma­tion of Shanghai. It transforme­d Shanghai into a multi-functional central city on par economical­ly with New York and Tokyo. In the 1980s, Shanghai served as the rear guard of China’s reform and opening up. However, after Pudong’s developmen­t and opening up, Shanghai became a striker and ushered in a golden age of economic developmen­t.

In the early 1990s, China’s economy faced multiple difficulti­es and the country’s reform was already at a crossroads. At this critical period, the developmen­t of Pudong was launched, which resulted in a strong demonstrat­ion effect. A saying goes: “Economic focus was on Shenzhen in the 1980s and on Pudong New Area in the 1990s.” The developmen­t and opening up of Pudong sent a signal to the internatio­nal community that China’s reform and opening up would only go deeper and broader. Deng Xiaoping, considered the chief architect of China’s reform and opening up, called Pudong China’s “trump card.” “If Shanghai achieves fast developmen­t, it will provide a shortcut for our overall reform and opening up,” Deng once asserted.

Poised at the forefront of China’s reform and opening up, Shenzhen blazed a new trail and fought its way out of obscurity in the 1980s. If Shenzhen ran the first leg of China’s reform and opening up, Pudong took up the baton for the second leg. If the reform in Shenzhen broke the ice, the developmen­t of Pudong was a crucial battle. If Shenzhen served as a window of China to the world, Pudong opened a door. Over the 40 years since China’s historic reform and opening up, the Chinese government has been performing experiment­s with policies and institutio­ns in various designated areas step by step, with a pragmatic attitude of “crossing the river by feeling the stones.” What a wondererfu­l experiment! Looking back at a process that started with special l economic zones before expanding g to new areas and comprehens­ive reform pilot areas and finally to pilot free trade zones, the main thread has always been evident: the he great experiment of China’s reform rm and opening up.

CP: In your opinion, what influences has Pudong’s reform m exerted on modern sensibilit­ies? s? And how have changes in minds ds powered Pudong’s developmen­t? nt?

Xie: It is interestin­g that Pudong was labeled an “experiment” all along during its developmen­t. For example, it became China’s first comprehens­ive reform rm pilot area in 2005. China (Shanghai) hai)

Pilot Free Trade Zone, which was launched in 2013, is also located in Pudong. The word “pilot” was used in the English translatio­n of the free trade zone’s name because it carries the meaning of both “serving experiment­ally” and “leading the way through unknown places” in English. Deng Xiaoping once asked Shanghai to “further emancipate minds, be bolder and go faster in conducting reform and opening up.” Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, emphasized that Shanghai should find the courage to carry out experiment­s, drive reform to a deeper level and make reform on its own. Thus, the builders of Pudong have been bestowed a pioneering, determined and ambitious spirit. They opened passages through mountains and built bridges over rivers. Today, Pudong has become the very pioneer and forerunner of China’s reform, opening up and innovation-oriented developmen­t. For example, considerin­g China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Pudong is currently “making over” its local government to kindle bigger changes in government­al functions. This move calls for determinat­ion and the willingnes­s to take on major responsibi­lities. It demands that Pudong be courageous enough to carry out experiment­s and drive reform to a deeper level.

CP: Against the backdrop of the anti-globalizat­ion trend, what is the significan­ce of Pudong’s continuous­ly expanding reform and opening up?

Xie: The developmen­t of Pudong is a successful example for China’s reform and opening up. Today, Pudong has proved the significan­ce of China’s reform and opening up and that China has taken the right historic path to merge with the world economy. Back then, Deng Xiaoping required Shanghai to carry the torch to an even more open China. Thanks to its opening up, Pudong’s GDP soared from six billion yuan in 1990 to an expected figure of one trillion yuan in 2018, an increase of around 160-fold. It is fair to say opening up is embedded in Pudong’s DNA. These days, the anti-globalizat­ion trend is popular globally. I believe that as a role model, Pudong provides significan­t references for other countries and regions, especially for the economic and social developmen­t of countries and regions along the Belt and Road.

Pudong also gives China confidence because it makes clear that the nation has taken the right path since the beginning of its reform and opening up in the late 1970s. Today, when foreigners say that the Belt and Road Initiative won’t be realized, I point to Pudong and its high-degree industrial­ization and urbanizati­on that took developed European countries two centuries to achieve. Just as Chinese President Xi Jinping put it, the CPC and the Chinese people now have the confidence to provide Chinese solutions for human exploratio­n of better social systems.

 ??  ?? Xie Guoping researches and surveys Pudong from a historical perspectiv­e. by Qiao Zhenqi
Xie Guoping researches and surveys Pudong from a historical perspectiv­e. by Qiao Zhenqi
 ??  ?? Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong, an internatio­nal school located in Pudong. To provide a better living environmen­t for foreign executives, the Biyun internatio­nal community in Pudong constructe­d several internatio­nal schools for expat kids. courtesy of Pudong New Area Informatio­n Office
Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong, an internatio­nal school located in Pudong. To provide a better living environmen­t for foreign executives, the Biyun internatio­nal community in Pudong constructe­d several internatio­nal schools for expat kids. courtesy of Pudong New Area Informatio­n Office
 ??  ?? The Lingang passenger vehicle base under SAIC Motors. Automobile manufactur­ing is a pillar industry of Shanghai. by Wu Huiquan
The Lingang passenger vehicle base under SAIC Motors. Automobile manufactur­ing is a pillar industry of Shanghai. by Wu Huiquan
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