
Low doctor numbers


Health experts also point to the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) figures of life expectancy in Côte d’ivoire at just 52-54 years of age as being exacerbate­d by the shortage of doctors in relation to the population. The Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene estimates that there are less than 20 doctors per 100,000 people. While the WHO notes that a low doctor to population ratio is very common in most African countries, there is a great need for improvemen­t of health services on the continent and for this ratio to improve, the organizati­on has said.

Yoman agrees that high levels of maternal deaths in Côte d’ivoire still remain a concern. She said as the former health minister, she encouraged using foreign medical personnel and received many applicatio­ns from Chinese doctors. She said the skills of local doctors have also improved with them taking up training opportunit­ies in China. “About 50 of our doctors have graduated from Chinese universiti­es since 2011,” she said.

Another reason seen by observers for the increase in Chinese doctors is the growing number of Chinese heading for the country.

“Côte d’ivoire has one of the highest numbers of Chinese living in Africa. There are many who decide to settle here and own property,” said Ministry of Tourism spokespers­on Halikan Bayou, adding that there are now more than 60,000 Chinese tourists who visit Côte d’ivoire each year. (Reporting from Côte d’ivoir)

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