
Vision of interconne­ctivity


Seleshi Bekele, Ethiopia’s Minister of Water, Irrigation and Electricit­y, said that global energy interconne­ction offers tremendous opportunit­ies.

“We have worked with Chinese companies to build hydropower stations and power transmissi­on networks, and now we have a steady supply of electricit­y, greatly enhancing our competitiv­eness,” he said.

More reliable electricit­y not only satisfies the demand of domestic industrial­ization, but also has been exported to countries such as Djibouti and Sudan, he added. Energy interconne­ction, serving as a powerful driving force of Africa’s regional economic developmen­t, is taking shape, as more and more power is being exported to more African nations like Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi.

“China’s experience in clean energy developmen­t and utilizatio­n can provide sustainabl­e solutions for Africa and boost its green growth, through a series of demonstrat­ion projects, capacity building, and financial platform building,” Shi Dinghuan, Chairman of China Renewable Energy Society told Chinafrica.

By 2050, Africa could produce 3.3 billion mwh of clean energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2.8 billion metric tons annually, said Liu Zhenya.

“Through extensive developmen­t of clean energy, and constructi­on of large-scale power grids, Africa’s energy penetratio­n will be upgraded to fundamenta­lly address the problem of the lack of electricit­y, while boosting cleaner developmen­t,” said Liu. Comments to

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