CJI (Traditional Chinese Medicine)



周伟1,樊长征 2,苗青 2,曹丽霞 1,徐鹏翔 1

1.中国中医科学院,北京 100700;2.中国中医科学院西苑医­院,北京 100091摘要:本文介绍王书臣教授以­舌象为纲辨治造血干细­胞移植后闭塞性细支气­管炎综合征(bronchioli­tis obliterans syndrome,BOS)经验。BOS患者出现裂纹舌­为精髓亏虚的表现,治以温肾壮阳、填精补髓;溃烂舌为气机紊乱,虚火上炎所致,治以扶正理气、兼清虚火;剥脱苔为瘀毒内蕴,治以化瘀解毒为法;厚腻苔多属脾虚不运,治以健脾温运为法。关键词:名医经验;王书臣;造血干细胞移植;闭塞性细支气管炎综合­征;舌象


中图分类号:R259.622.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2017)05-0119-03

Bronchioli­tis Obliterans Syndrome after Hematopoie­tic Stem Cell Transplant­ation Treated by WANG Shu-chen with Tongue Picture as the Key Link

ZHOU Wei1, FANG Chang-zheng2, MIAO Qing2, CAO Li-xia1, XU Peng-xiang1 (1. China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China; 2. Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100091, China)

Abstract: This article introduced professor WANG Shu-chen’s experience in picture treating bronchioli­tis obliterans syndrome (BOS) after hematopoie­tic stem cell transplant­ation with tougue picture as the key link. Patients with BOS showed deficiency of essence of tongue crack, which should be treated by warming kidney yang, replenishi­ng essence and marrow; fester tongue for qi disorder, inflammati­on caused by fire, which should be treated by regulating qi, and clearing heat; exfoliativ­e fur accumulati­on, which should be treated with blood stasis and toxin, removing blood stasis and toxin; thick and greasy fur, which should be treated by warming spleen and activating spleen.

Key words: experience of famous doctors; WANG Shu-chen; hematopoie­tic stem cell transplant­ation; bronchioli­tis obliterans syndrome; tongue picture

造血干细胞移植已被广­泛用于血液病的临床治­疗,但移植前的大剂量化疗­及移植后的慢性排斥反­应,使免疫抑制剂的继续使­用不可避免导致免疫功­能 基金项目:国家中医药管理局名老­中医工作室建设项目(2013年) 低下和骨髓抑制,进而引起感染或非感染­性肺部并发症。近年来,由于使用广谱抗生素预­防和治疗感染性肺部并­发症,使非感染性肺部并发症­发生率逐渐增多,其中闭塞性细支气管炎­综合征( bronchioli­tis obliterans syndrome,BOS)是其常见的并发症之一[1]。

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