CJI (Traditional Chinese Medicine)




彭州市中医医院,四川 彭州 611930

摘要:本文以《历代中药炮制资料辑要》为线索,结合历年版《中华人民共和国药典》、1988年版《全国中药炮制规范》、地方炮制规范及现代炮­制研究相关资料,对古今文献收载的细辛­炮制相关的内容进行归­纳整理。历代关于细辛的炮制方­法有净制、切制、加热炮制及加辅料炮制­等记载,而现代细辛的炮制方法­相对单一,除 2008年版《上海市中药饮片炮制规­范》收载的蜜炙外,各版《中华人民共和国药典》及其他规范仅提及净制­和切制。近年研究表明,炒制、碱制、酒制、低温超微粉碎等炮制方­法可有效降低细辛毒性,增强临床应用安全性。本文通过整理细辛炮制­的历史沿革和研究进展,为现代炮制研究提供参­考。关键词:细辛;炮制;历史沿革;研究进展;综述


中图分类号:R283.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2017)10-0130-03

History and Research Progress of Asari Radix et Rhizoma Processing

QIANG Xiao-juan, YIN Ding, ZHU Zhi-hui (Pengzhou Hospital of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine, Pengzhou 611930, China)

Abstract: Setting Li Dai Zhong Yao Pao Zhi Zi Liao Ji Yao as clue, this article searched each edition of China Pharmacopo­eia, National Processing Standard of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine issued in 1988, and relevant materials of local processing standards and modern processing study, and concluded and combed the contents about Asari Radix et Rhizoma processing in ancient and modern literature. There are records about Asari Radix et Rhizoma processing methods in history, including net processing, cutting processing, heating processing and processing excipient. However, Asari Radix et Rhizoma processing methods in modern time are relatively simple. In addition to the version of the Processing Standard of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicines in Shanghai issued in 2008, containing the honey Asari Radix et Rhizoma, other editions of China Pharmacopo­eia and processing standards only recorded net processing and cutting processing. Recent research showed that processing methods of modern stir frying processing, alkali processing, wine processing, low temperatur­e ultrafine comminutio­n processing and so on, can effectivel­y reduce the toxicity of Asari Radix et Rhizoma and enhance the safety of clinical applicatio­n. This article summarized the history and research progress of Asari Radix et Rhizoma processing, and provided a reference for the study on modern processing.

Key words: Asari Radix et Rhizoma; processing methods; history; research progress; review

细辛为马兜铃科植物北­细辛 Asarum heterotrop­oides Fr. Schmidt var. mandshuric­um ( Maxim. ) Kitag. 、汉城细辛 Asarum sieboldii Miq.var.seoulense Nakai 或华细辛 Asarum sieboldii


[2]年。一名小辛,生山谷。” 其临床应用历史悠久,常用于风寒感冒、头痛、牙痛、鼻塞流涕、鼻鼽、鼻渊、风湿痹痛、痰饮喘咳等症。中药经炮制后入药是中­医 临床用药的一大特色,历代医家在临床使用中­产生了细辛的多种炮制­方法,在古代文献中皆有记载。为了明确细辛炮制的起­源、现状、发展,经查阅《历代中药炮制资料辑要》、建国后各版《中华人民共和国药典》(以下简称《中国药典》)9 部、1988 年版《全国中药炮制规范》和地方炮制规范 17 部,以及现代细辛炮制研究­的相关资料,对古今文献收载的与细­辛炮制相关的内容进行­归纳、整理,为细辛的现代炮制研究­提供参考。

1 细辛炮制历史沿革

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