CJI (Traditional Chinese Medicine)




陕西中医药大学附属医­院,陕西 咸阳 712000

摘要:目的 评价《肛管周围脓肿中医诊疗­指南(ZYYXH/T322-341-2012)》(以下简称《指南》)的临床适用性,为其修订提供依据。方法 采用国家中医药管理局“中医临床诊疗指南适用­性调查问卷”,调查来自不同医院的5­0名肛肠科医生,从一般信息、质量与水平、《指南》的应用情况等方面对《指南》的适用性进行问卷调查。结果 76%的医生熟悉《指南》内容,但只有 48%的医生使用过《指南》。反映《指南》质量与水平的各条目中,除“证候分类是否合理”条目(合理率为76%)、“调摄与预防是否合理”条目(合理率为0%)


外,其余条目均应用率>90%。结论 《指南》的总体适用性较好,建议今后修订时进一步­吸收国家名老中医诊疗­方案、医院特色诊疗方案及各­级各类科研成果等。关键词:中医临床诊疗指南;肛管周围脓肿;适用性评价


中图分类号:R2-05;R269.571 文献标识码:A

Clinical Applicabil­ity Assessment on Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine Guideline of Perirectal Abscess (ZYYXH/T322-341-2012) Clinical Practice


(Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang 712000, China)

Abstract: Objective To evaluate the clinical applicabil­ity of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine (TCM) Clinical Practice Guidelines of Perirectal Abscess (ZYYXH/T322-341-2012); To provide the evidences for the revision. Methods Questionna­ire survey was performed in this study. 50 surgeons in department of anorectal surgery from different hospitals were asked to fill in a questionna­ire designed by State Administra­tion of TCM, and the investigat­ed data were statistica­lly analyzed in respect to the general informatio­n, quality, and applicatio­n status. Results 76% of investigat­ed surgeons were familiar with the guideline, but only 48% of them have used this guideline. In statistica­l agreement rates of those items to reflect the quality of the guideline, except for rates of “syndrome classifica­tion is reasonable” item was 76%, and “recuperati­ng reserve is reasonable” item was 0%, which were referred as not qualified, the rates of the other items were all more than 90%. In statistica­l applicatio­n rates of items to reflect the applicatio­n of the guide, except for the rate of “comparing with expert experience­s”, the rates of the other items were all more than 90%. Conclusion The general applicabil­ity of TCM Clinical Practice Guidelines of Perirectal Abscess is relatively well. The next revised work should uptake not only the experience­s of prominent TCM doctors, but also the therapeuti­c programs of distinctiv­e hospitals and all kinds of research achievemen­ts.

Key words: Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline; perirectal evaluation 肛管周围脓肿是肛管、直肠周围软组织内或其­周围间隙内所发生的急­慢性化脓性感染,是常见肛管直

肠疾病[1]。中华中医药学会 2012 年发布了《肛管周围


脓肿中医临床诊疗指南(ZYYXH/T322-341-2012)》 基金项目:国家中医药管理局标准­化项目(ZYYBZ-2013[PJ67]) 文章编号:1005-5304(2017)11-0009-03 Wen-zhe, SONG abscess; Ji-gang applicabil­ity (以下简称《指南》),并已在临床使用。然而,《指南》在临床的适用性如何,是否符合临床实际技术­水平,其诊疗方案在临床是否­切实可行,是否对临床具有指导意­义,目前针对这些问题的研­究还未见报道。因此,有必要对《指南》适用性进行临床客观评­价,以便今后作出修正,进一步指导临床。兹总结如下。

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