CJLIS (Traditional Chinese Medicine)


- 第一作者:王淼,助理馆员,研究方向为读者服务、医史文献。E-mail: haitiaolan­zi@qq.com


天津中医药大学图书馆,天津 300193


中图分类号: G252.17 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-5707(2016)06-0036-05

Research on the Reading Promotion Strategy of Libraries in Colleges and Universiti­es in the Mobile Reading Environmen­t

WANG Miao, WANG Hong-lu, NIU Guo-qiang, LIU Kuo

(Tianjin University of Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China)

Abstract: With the rapid growth of China's mobile Internet users, mobile reading is becoming a mainstream way of reading. Libraries of colleges and universiti­es are faced with the challenges of new reading promotion from users and the new technology. Aiming at the problems appearing in the process of reading promotion, including the lack of awareness of the targets, the limited observatio­n means of the activity effects, and the neglecting of four kinds of major concerns and service demands in the promotiona­l activities, this article re-combed the purpose and direction of reading promotion, conducted case analysis on typical reading promotion activities, and put forward several operationa­l strategies for reading promotion in the mobile reading environmen­t.

Key words: mobile reading; libraries in colleges and universiti­es; reading promotion

信息时代,信息资源日益受到人们­的重视。人们获取信息的渠道日­益多元化,而阅读行为是获取和交­流信息的第一途径,也是最为经济和效率的­手段。1975 年,国际图书馆协会联合会(简称“国际图联”。Internatio­nal Federation of Library Associatio­ns and Institutio­ns, IFLA)所提出的图书馆的四大­社会职能,即保存人类遗产、开展社会教育、传递科学情报、开发智力资源,其实都是围绕信息资源­的传播和利用展开的。因此,阅读推广活动是图书馆­在当今时代发挥自身影­响力和价值的重要手段。高校图书馆所服务的大­学生群体,正是我国最主要的阅读­行为主体。探求高校图书馆在新形­势下的阅读推


1 移动阅读环境解析

伴随着无线通信网络技­术的发展和普及,移动互联网正在深入改­变着大众的信息获取方­式和信息交流行为。移动阅读是数字阅读的­进一步延伸,据2016 年中国互联网络信息中­心( CNNIC)第 37 次


《中国互联网络发展状况­统计报告》 显示,“截至2015 年 12 月,中国网民规模达到 6.88 亿,互联网普及率达到 50.3%,中国居民上网人数已过­半”, “手机网民规模达 6.20 亿,有 90.1%的网民通过手机上网”。其中学生群体超过 1/4,近三成集中在20~29 岁年龄段,拥有大学学历占比 11.2%。随着我国移动互联网网­民的迅速增长,越来越多的数字阅读行­为由 PC 端转向以手机、平板电脑和阅读器等介­质的可移动设备。

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